When the show "Glee" first aired, I watched the premier. I think that was the one where they showed the first one and then didn't actually start the weekly series until much later. I thought it was just ok, and never continued. Boy, was I totally wrong. Thanks to Heather's sharing the Logan adventures with Rachel, I took advantage of the Fox network running the entire last season over the summer and I am HOOKED!! I can't wait until it starts in the fall, and the opening of the Emmy awards with the "Glee" stars blew me away!
Jimmy Fallon--you rocked it out with those kids, and when Sue threw that slushie in your face--hilarious. Betty White made another funny cameo, and when they started singing "Born to Run" I was on the edge of my seat. Then more appearances: I laughed at Kate Gosselin, Tim Gunn and the one and only Randy Jackson showed up, I almost stood up and cheered at the end. It is now on You Tube, and I had to watch it again tonight, so I'm sharing with you, just in case you need to see it again, and again, and again.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Those Who Save Us

It really isn't fair to review this book. I actually started it around the time all of the drama in the house came out, so it took me almost two weeks to actually read this novel. I know, unbelievable for me, huh?
The story took a long time for me to get into. Maybe because it seemed so dreary, and dreary was not what I was wanting to read about lately. I finally started enjoying it about half way through, but that could be because the situation around here was starting to calm down, I'm not sure. The ending did make me tear up a little, because Trudi finally figured out who her mom was, which was kind of sad to be when she was over 40.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Today's post is in dedication to the late, great, Stevie Ray Vaughan. It was 20 years ago today we lost the greatest blues musician the world has ever know. During my college years, there was a chance to see him in concert, and due to lack of funds I didn't go. That has been one of my biggest regrets in life. Now and then I catch old videos and his great performances on Austin City Limits and think "my God, how is it possible anyone can play like that". Here's a link to my favorite song of all time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Mismates will one day be the death of me. Seriously. They are that bad and the worst part of my job. What's a mismate you ask? Glad you did, because you are gonna hear about it anyway.
Clothing vendors and retail stores love to sell clothing sets. You remember buying those cute little baby outfits that come with both the top and bottoms for one low price? Well, you can find those sets in almost any part of a clothing store, and unless you are a perfect size top and bottom, not everyone can wear the same sizes from head to toe. The only time that actually works is when a child is under 6 months old or it applies to your pair of shoes. After that, something grows faster than the other parts, and the sets just don't work.
Our rules at the checkout is that both have to be the same size in order for you to purchase the set, and believe me, they will try. There is a VERY logical reasoning behind this law. If you want to purchase that large top with the medium bottoms, what kind of set do you still have on the floor? That's right, a medium top and a large bottom (which, you may not believe, is IMPOSSIBLE to sell like that). So, in theory, if everyone does their job, we would never have mismated sets. NOT...
Some cashiers don't care, and let it go through. Or you have a store manager who is in too much of a hurry to bother to check the sizes. When this happens, my mess begins.
In the stockroom, I have a clothing rack about 4 feet long that any mismates found on the floor are stored. Again, the theory is if you have a mismate to place on the rack, first look at the rack and see if you can find the corresponding pieces, mate them up and return them to the sales floor. Again, this theory works if the sales associate cares about doing a good job, or you have a store manager that isn't in too much of a hurry and likes to help out where he can.
This rack is sorted in three sections, by date. First section is week one, second section is week two, you get the picture. Every week I take some time out of my already overscheduled day to look through this rack. First, I find one to two sets I can match up by just looking at it. Imagine if that part time associate did that! Then I take the mismated sets and head to the sales floor to try to match up the correct pair. I don't just check the original rack it was on, I check EVERY rack in that department, because remember that part-timer that doesn't give a flying feather about their job??? That's right, it could be a toddler item in the misses swim. I also have to check every piece on the clearance racks, because that is where things "hide" from the all knowing.
After 3 weeks of not finding the said mismate, I head to the office, grab an inventory scanner, and have fun. I first have to take the item completely out of inventory, scanning it to subtract it so our numbers match. Now I get to bring 2 new sku items back INTO inventory, because we are going to sell each piece individually. The price I assign is half (or thirds if it is a 3 piece set--which are more of a nightmare and could result in a whole other posting) and put a new ticket on each item. Because these new items are not meant to be sold separately, they need to go on a clearance rack, hoping they will sell. Going on a clearance rack means it will be signed "20-60% off our everyday price" so I get to ring them through inventory again, taking the value ownership to a lower price so now there will be the "original" price and a "clearance" price on the ticket.
This is bad enough, but some vendors have jumped on a new idea: selling a scarf, necklace, toy, or hat with the two piece set. So everytime there is a missing item, I have to conduct the mismate process all over again because the tag is marked "with scarf" for example. This has increased the mismate workload tremendously. (Just in case you were needing one, we do have boys t-shirts for sale with a real skateboard attached.)
Every night that part timer will clean their department. When they find a pair of shorts on the floor that belongs to a mismate, they will walk it back to the stockroom to the rack. I would think that the matching top is hanging on the rack right where those shorts are laying, but I am probably wrong in that theory. I also love the guest who has to tear into that packaged underwear to look at it (I understand it's kids underwear and you need to look at it, but it has a seal you can open and shut back up, do you really need to rip open the plastic on the top and then throw the loose pieces on the rack? Why can't you just put it back in the package?). I also want to applaud the smart one who actually pulls apart the socks that aren't in plastic, but only bundled by a strip of paper, so you can actually feel and see the socks without opening a bag. Is there a reason you need to have the pair separate from each other in order to see if one will work, or what?
I want to thank a coworker this week for taking on a huge problem. Due to the back to school season, that 4 foot rack grew into 3 racks because there just wasn't time. It was a mess, and she spent all day cleaning it up. She actually ended up with 2 racks of stuff that she could mate without even leaving the stockroom. I am now working on cleaning up the inventory of the merchandise that is older, because it needs to get on that clearance rack--next week we are having 50% off of that clearance and it's a great way to get rid of it. I am so glad that this week is almost up!
Clothing vendors and retail stores love to sell clothing sets. You remember buying those cute little baby outfits that come with both the top and bottoms for one low price? Well, you can find those sets in almost any part of a clothing store, and unless you are a perfect size top and bottom, not everyone can wear the same sizes from head to toe. The only time that actually works is when a child is under 6 months old or it applies to your pair of shoes. After that, something grows faster than the other parts, and the sets just don't work.
Our rules at the checkout is that both have to be the same size in order for you to purchase the set, and believe me, they will try. There is a VERY logical reasoning behind this law. If you want to purchase that large top with the medium bottoms, what kind of set do you still have on the floor? That's right, a medium top and a large bottom (which, you may not believe, is IMPOSSIBLE to sell like that). So, in theory, if everyone does their job, we would never have mismated sets. NOT...
Some cashiers don't care, and let it go through. Or you have a store manager who is in too much of a hurry to bother to check the sizes. When this happens, my mess begins.
In the stockroom, I have a clothing rack about 4 feet long that any mismates found on the floor are stored. Again, the theory is if you have a mismate to place on the rack, first look at the rack and see if you can find the corresponding pieces, mate them up and return them to the sales floor. Again, this theory works if the sales associate cares about doing a good job, or you have a store manager that isn't in too much of a hurry and likes to help out where he can.
This rack is sorted in three sections, by date. First section is week one, second section is week two, you get the picture. Every week I take some time out of my already overscheduled day to look through this rack. First, I find one to two sets I can match up by just looking at it. Imagine if that part time associate did that! Then I take the mismated sets and head to the sales floor to try to match up the correct pair. I don't just check the original rack it was on, I check EVERY rack in that department, because remember that part-timer that doesn't give a flying feather about their job??? That's right, it could be a toddler item in the misses swim. I also have to check every piece on the clearance racks, because that is where things "hide" from the all knowing.
After 3 weeks of not finding the said mismate, I head to the office, grab an inventory scanner, and have fun. I first have to take the item completely out of inventory, scanning it to subtract it so our numbers match. Now I get to bring 2 new sku items back INTO inventory, because we are going to sell each piece individually. The price I assign is half (or thirds if it is a 3 piece set--which are more of a nightmare and could result in a whole other posting) and put a new ticket on each item. Because these new items are not meant to be sold separately, they need to go on a clearance rack, hoping they will sell. Going on a clearance rack means it will be signed "20-60% off our everyday price" so I get to ring them through inventory again, taking the value ownership to a lower price so now there will be the "original" price and a "clearance" price on the ticket.
This is bad enough, but some vendors have jumped on a new idea: selling a scarf, necklace, toy, or hat with the two piece set. So everytime there is a missing item, I have to conduct the mismate process all over again because the tag is marked "with scarf" for example. This has increased the mismate workload tremendously. (Just in case you were needing one, we do have boys t-shirts for sale with a real skateboard attached.)
Every night that part timer will clean their department. When they find a pair of shorts on the floor that belongs to a mismate, they will walk it back to the stockroom to the rack. I would think that the matching top is hanging on the rack right where those shorts are laying, but I am probably wrong in that theory. I also love the guest who has to tear into that packaged underwear to look at it (I understand it's kids underwear and you need to look at it, but it has a seal you can open and shut back up, do you really need to rip open the plastic on the top and then throw the loose pieces on the rack? Why can't you just put it back in the package?). I also want to applaud the smart one who actually pulls apart the socks that aren't in plastic, but only bundled by a strip of paper, so you can actually feel and see the socks without opening a bag. Is there a reason you need to have the pair separate from each other in order to see if one will work, or what?
I want to thank a coworker this week for taking on a huge problem. Due to the back to school season, that 4 foot rack grew into 3 racks because there just wasn't time. It was a mess, and she spent all day cleaning it up. She actually ended up with 2 racks of stuff that she could mate without even leaving the stockroom. I am now working on cleaning up the inventory of the merchandise that is older, because it needs to get on that clearance rack--next week we are having 50% off of that clearance and it's a great way to get rid of it. I am so glad that this week is almost up!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Back on Track
Thanks Mom, for coming up this weekend and spending time with us. Thanks to Kristen for allowing us to make her home family central. This weekend was exactly what I needed. I actually worked today and felt like I was "back on track" and my normal self. My family is the best:) (Now if Heather and family would be a little bit closer, my life would be absolutely perfect.)
Friday, August 13, 2010
This week has been the ultimate rollar coaster ride of emotion for Faith, and it has really made me realize that in some ways she is more mature than I realized. Without going into details on here, I now know that she can handle anything life can throw at her. Although the teenager still shows her face everyonce in awhile, I have actually seen her be the "adult" and take the higher road. She has been the calm one through this storm, while I, on the otherhand, want to kick someone's ass.
Thursday, August 12, 2010

I am always excited to hear that Nevada Barr has a new book in her Anna Pigeon story being published. It is another series that involves a sleuthing park ranger, and I wrote about another set that I read by C.J. Box, but Barr does it just a little better. Maybe I like Anna Pigeon better because she is a strong woman doing what she believes is the right thing, even though Joe Pickett in the Box series is as strong and right, but maybe it's because I'm female.
Anna is taking some required leave in New Orleans from her job after her so called belated honeymoon. I'm sure Barr picked the location because she's from that area, but also to let us know that Anna is recovering from her problems just like the city is still recovering from the hurricane. The story would bounce to a Seattle woman whose children disappeared after her home exploded with her Middle Eastern husband inside. I had no idea what the other storyline had to do with Anna, and it would switch back between the two until they slammed together, and things really made sense and fell into place. Barr's talent was really tested, but her writing is amazing to make me go "whoa" when I finally figured out what was going on, and that is what I like in an author.
This has to be one of my favorite Anna Pigeon stories, but it was rather hard to read about some of the suffering children during the final chapters. Without spoiling it for anyone, you will need to steel yourself for some disturbing things.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Door To December

While looking around at Last Stop CD Shop, I found a Dean Koontz book I had never read. I love to browse Last Stop for their great selection of used books. "The Door To December" is an earlier publication that looked like one of his good psychological thrillers. It's about a mother that is reunited with her daughter that had been kidnapped by the father when she tried to file for divorce.
It is discovered that this poor little girl has withdrawn into an autistic like state and the men who had psycologically tortured her are mysteriously dying one by one. Normally this is a book I would just tear through, excited to find out what is happening next, but it just didn't happen. For some reason, I only enjoy some of Koontz's books, and this was one I can say I struggled with. It is over 500 pages long and actually only takes place over a few days, so that explains why it moved very slowly. The only reason I didn't put it down was because I had actually paid money for it, although used, and I didn't have anything next waiting for me. Hope I can at least get 50 cents back when we put it on the rummage next year, but maybe I should take it back and see if I can sell it to them.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Coal Miner's Daughter
One of the many movies that I love is "Coal Miner's Daughter" and I watch it every time it's shown on TV, or if there isn't anything on, I will pull out the DVD and pop it in. It is one of those movies I like to have on in the background when I am doing something else. It keeps me company while I keep busy.
Many of my favorite movies are centered around music, and this one featuring the life of Loretta Lynn is a classic. Sissy Spacek as Loretta and Bevery D'Angelo as Patsy Cline both sing the songs themselves. Levon Helm, who plays Loretta's father, is a founding member of The Band (one of their hits was "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"). I find it ironic that a music icon plays a part of another music icon's story and doesn't even sing in the film.
The movie has many features that I enjoy: music, love, family, marriage, and a strong woman lead. Loretta Lynn's life is fascinating and the movie does an excellent job taking along her journey. It is always amazing that people who have been in the music or movie industry who have continued to have a successful marriage, and the struggles she has show that sometimes you have to stick with it to get the benefits out of life. Two of my favorite scenes are when they are taking a wild jeep ride together, once after they first met and then again after their long road to success. Does anyone else like the movie as much as I do?
Many of my favorite movies are centered around music, and this one featuring the life of Loretta Lynn is a classic. Sissy Spacek as Loretta and Bevery D'Angelo as Patsy Cline both sing the songs themselves. Levon Helm, who plays Loretta's father, is a founding member of The Band (one of their hits was "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"). I find it ironic that a music icon plays a part of another music icon's story and doesn't even sing in the film.
The movie has many features that I enjoy: music, love, family, marriage, and a strong woman lead. Loretta Lynn's life is fascinating and the movie does an excellent job taking along her journey. It is always amazing that people who have been in the music or movie industry who have continued to have a successful marriage, and the struggles she has show that sometimes you have to stick with it to get the benefits out of life. Two of my favorite scenes are when they are taking a wild jeep ride together, once after they first met and then again after their long road to success. Does anyone else like the movie as much as I do?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Holding Back??
I am writing about work, again. I am sitting here enjoying the start of my four day weekend, when I get a call from, are you ready for it....WORK. It is my fault. I realized when I got off the phone that sometimes I don't tell anyone how to do certain parts of my job. I don't know if it's my desire for being needed, or maybe my hope that they realize the place would fall apart without me, thus saving myself from ever losing my job.
Of course, I knew it was them and answered the phone. I don't call the other assistants to ask them questions about merchandising, because it can wait until they get back. My job, however, always needs an answer immediately it seems. I do bother Michael sometimes at home, but he bothers me too.
Sidebar: the other day the new assistant was told that Michael and I argue like an old married couple by one of the associates. Made me laugh and realize that we have been working together for 16 years now. That lasted longer than my marriage. Scary thought.
Of course, I knew it was them and answered the phone. I don't call the other assistants to ask them questions about merchandising, because it can wait until they get back. My job, however, always needs an answer immediately it seems. I do bother Michael sometimes at home, but he bothers me too.
Sidebar: the other day the new assistant was told that Michael and I argue like an old married couple by one of the associates. Made me laugh and realize that we have been working together for 16 years now. That lasted longer than my marriage. Scary thought.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Back to School
It's that time again. Summer has flown by and school will be starting up again very soon. Yes, I am sad that it is Faith's last year, but I am mostly upset that another final 4 months of the year is soon upon us. Back to school starts the craziness that is my work life. We get a good taste of what is to come very soon. We are talking "fourth quarter" every day, knowing that the holiday season is soon coming. We are discussing when that first actual shipment of all holiday home will be arriving, and to wet our appetites, some is already trickling in. Yes, we unloaded our first Christmas item last week. Right now we are just throwing the boxes in a corner, hoping that they will slowly disappear, but unfortunately past years has taught me they will soon multiply like rabbits, until our lives are nothing but box after box of stuff I can't believe people spend their money on.
Why don't I just bite the bullet and call this job quits? I ask myself that every day, but every day I go back for another, always to be disappointed that things never change, they only get worse. It's really hard to throw away that almost 20 years aside and start all over. Change is not a good thing for me. I have yet to rearrange any of my furniture in any of the rooms I use in the apartment we have been living in for I think about 8 years. I keep hoping that the change in Faith's life that will be happening soon will awaken a desire in me to just do it, just change the lifestyle I have dug into and can't seem to see over the edge of that hole. Maybe I'm just tired tonight. Tomorrow is another day and I did get a four day weekend this week. Tomorrow I will love my job.......ok, who am I fooling????
Why don't I just bite the bullet and call this job quits? I ask myself that every day, but every day I go back for another, always to be disappointed that things never change, they only get worse. It's really hard to throw away that almost 20 years aside and start all over. Change is not a good thing for me. I have yet to rearrange any of my furniture in any of the rooms I use in the apartment we have been living in for I think about 8 years. I keep hoping that the change in Faith's life that will be happening soon will awaken a desire in me to just do it, just change the lifestyle I have dug into and can't seem to see over the edge of that hole. Maybe I'm just tired tonight. Tomorrow is another day and I did get a four day weekend this week. Tomorrow I will love my job.......ok, who am I fooling????
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