Monday, August 29, 2011

Empty Apartment

What a better way to go back to writing, than experiencing the fact my 18 year old daughter has left the nest.  I just had to sit an write this morning, after enjoying my morning addiction and reading in the sun for an hour. 

After dropping off Faith on Saturday, I wasn't hearing from her like I normally do.  She wasn't answering my texts right away, and when she finally did, it was a short, one word answer.  Not really an answer, but something that was quick and easy.  I was feeling like she had left me completely, not wanting to communicate at all.  I kept reminding myself that it was because she was too busy having fun and didn't want to talk, that she was doing just fine.  Didn't help, I was feeling lost.  I knew not to bother her too much, but still, I wanted to hear from her.

Well, after puttering around the empty apartment all day, I finally got a text from her without me sending her one first.  Yay!  She and her new friends were walking downtown to grab something to eat.  I was so happy, she just kept texting me throughout the whole meal, without too much prompting from me.  She then said she'd call me later.  I figured she'd forget, but I received that phone call last night.  We talked for 53 minutes!!!  I was so happy that she was so content in what had been going on.  She gets along so far with her roomie, really thinks that the two new girls she met are now best friends, said she spoke out during her floor meeting, hated work, has to go to the IT dept to get her computer internet ready (guess what Kris did wasn't working), mad that Kris hid her shoes, her phone fell off her loft in the middle of the night so missed her alarm and was almost late for work, her new boyfriend came up to see her (don't know how I felt about that), bought yogurt at the "Bump", the fire alarm goes off whenever someone cooks bacon in their microwave (they sell packages of it at the "Bump"), is going for coffee and a mandatory meeting in the morning, put out her huge bowl of suckers Kris got her and handing them out, went to the bonfire, on and on and on.

I think it was the longest we have ever talked on the phone, or even sitting across from each other.  I slept very soundly after that call, knowing that she is alright, loving what she is doing right now.  Thanks to my family for all of their support, for Mom, Dad and Kris helping me move her, and for Heather and Logan calling me to distract me from my slump of a mood yesterday afternoon.  Oh, she asked for mail!!! (so funny since she laughed at me a month ago when I asked if she wanted mail).  Her address is:
702  E Cherry St.
Beede #117
Vermillion, SD 57069

(even a colored pic from Logan would make her day!)

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