This video is a little bad, but I absolutely LOVE this song! Janitor Bob is a local band, but I've never seen them, only hear this song quite often on a local music station on the drive home. The Happy Song ALWAYS gets me smiling and in a good mood--the radio is cranked and during the summer the windows rolled down.
Friday, December 31, 2010
The Confession

Grisham does it again. Another legal thriller with a hot discussion topic. "The Confession" is an anticlimatic book, because I had great hopes it would turn out differently. However, once it ended I understood what point Grisham was trying to make. I can't discuss this one too much without giving away the plot, but I am still debating with myself the pros and cons of the death penalty.
I know that if a terrible crime is committed against a loved one or any child, I would be right up on that platform ready to plunge the needle, or pull the switch, but is it really the right thing to do? How many have been killed by states around the country who were actually innocent? The legal battle has so many gray areas in all parts of the country, how can a person actually determine it is the right thing to do? Why should a human being play God?
I don't want to get into any discussions on my blog surrounding such an explosive topic, but the book really made me wonder about my beliefs.
Fall of Giants

I really like history and historical fiction, but I just love epic historical fiction. When I heard Ken Follett was publishing a new series, I pumped my fist in the air (that's right!). I absolutely loved his "World Without End" and "Pillars of the Earth" so I knew this was the next book I had to read.
I enjoy these epics because I love to follow different characters from different backgrounds that are on opposite sides. Follett did not disappoint me at all. The main characters were an English coal minor, English Lord married to a Russian princess, a Communist, an American Presidential aide, and a German military man. The story started before WWI, and continued up to the very end. The story really put my historical knowledge to the test. Little do we realize all of the political chasing around that wars involve, and there were times I could not keep the information straight, which amazes me that the author could. Sometimes I wonder the amount of research done to get the facts straight. I cannot wait for the next in this trilogy!
I enjoy these epics because I love to follow different characters from different backgrounds that are on opposite sides. Follett did not disappoint me at all. The main characters were an English coal minor, English Lord married to a Russian princess, a Communist, an American Presidential aide, and a German military man. The story started before WWI, and continued up to the very end. The story really put my historical knowledge to the test. Little do we realize all of the political chasing around that wars involve, and there were times I could not keep the information straight, which amazes me that the author could. Sometimes I wonder the amount of research done to get the facts straight. I cannot wait for the next in this trilogy!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The NY Times 10 Best Books of 2010
Alot of blogs are discussing their top 10 of 2010. I plan on doing that as soon as I finish the year. Have to give my last few a chance too! In case you would like to know what the NY Times is listing, I included the link.
Alot of blogs are discussing their top 10 of 2010. I plan on doing that as soon as I finish the year. Have to give my last few a chance too! In case you would like to know what the NY Times is listing, I included the link.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Dear Heather, I know that you said you would prefer that we don't mention Supra to you, but she has touched so many of our hearts too, and we will miss her. Maybe not as much as her immediate family, but she was a very special part of our family. When we lost Midnight a few years back, my friend Jill sent me a poem she had found when they had to put their beloved dog down, who was also a very special part of their lives. I have to share it with you, because it brought comfort to me during that time. We loved the fact that on vacation or your trips home we would get to see her as well. I know she will always be in our hearts.
The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. when an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.
Author Unknown
I'm sorry if I offend you by publishing this, but I just feel I needed to say this. I love you all and hope this helps you find some peace.
The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. when an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.
Author Unknown
I'm sorry if I offend you by publishing this, but I just feel I needed to say this. I love you all and hope this helps you find some peace.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I know it has been awhile since my post. My family knows why--retail employment+Holidays=Kelly is very tired. Well, I am struggling through my annual cold I always get between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It has lasted all week, and on Thursday I sounded like Peter Brady when it was "Time to Change" (sha na na na). My voice is somewhat back, only because the drainage has softened my vocal cords, at least that is what I think.
This morning I had to blow my nose (AGAIN) and my very tired brain wondered why do I open the kleenex to look at what came out of my nose. I thought, you know, I do that everytime. Why do I do that???? Do I think I am going to get gold coming out of my nose? Does anyone else do that?
I know this is not what you signed up for when you read my postings, but I can't help it. I had a question and felt the need to write it down. I am curious though, does anyone else do this in the privacy of their own home????
I know it has been awhile since my post. My family knows why--retail employment+Holidays=Kelly is very tired. Well, I am struggling through my annual cold I always get between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It has lasted all week, and on Thursday I sounded like Peter Brady when it was "Time to Change" (sha na na na). My voice is somewhat back, only because the drainage has softened my vocal cords, at least that is what I think.
This morning I had to blow my nose (AGAIN) and my very tired brain wondered why do I open the kleenex to look at what came out of my nose. I thought, you know, I do that everytime. Why do I do that???? Do I think I am going to get gold coming out of my nose? Does anyone else do that?
I know this is not what you signed up for when you read my postings, but I can't help it. I had a question and felt the need to write it down. I am curious though, does anyone else do this in the privacy of their own home????
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Book Lists
A friend sent me a link on facebook the other day. She's actually a former employee who has become a friend. Sometimes I wish I could be Kayla (she's still in college, but she is wise beyond her years). This was such a great idea, but I'm sorry to say that it was an idea by Art Garfunkel. I'm not a big fan, somehow his name just makes me giggle, but he came up with this AMAZING idea. It actual combines my love with an obsession of Kristen's. He listed every single book he has read throughout the years!!! Check it out:
I didn't really look through the list, not interested in what he read, just wondering "NOW WHY IN THE HECK DID I NOT THINK OF THAT??? (WOOF) (Sorry, just read Kristen's post and am thinking in dog terms right now). Can you imagine what my list would look like right now, if I would have started that when I was younger? Not sure what age, but I believe that the Little House series would begin that list, it's what I really remember reading (Busy Town by Richard Scarry doesn't count--that's the kid's book) for the first time.
Should I start a list? My problem would be, do I just start now, and only list the books currently reading, or do I start listing everything I remember reading in the past? My other issue is saving a file on a computer. I'm afraid I would not be prepared to save something like that if the computer ever crashes. Isn't there a way to save something on the web? Thought that one of the past vacation lists was on the internet. I could be wrong, but what an AWESOME idea this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't really look through the list, not interested in what he read, just wondering "NOW WHY IN THE HECK DID I NOT THINK OF THAT??? (WOOF) (Sorry, just read Kristen's post and am thinking in dog terms right now). Can you imagine what my list would look like right now, if I would have started that when I was younger? Not sure what age, but I believe that the Little House series would begin that list, it's what I really remember reading (Busy Town by Richard Scarry doesn't count--that's the kid's book) for the first time.
Should I start a list? My problem would be, do I just start now, and only list the books currently reading, or do I start listing everything I remember reading in the past? My other issue is saving a file on a computer. I'm afraid I would not be prepared to save something like that if the computer ever crashes. Isn't there a way to save something on the web? Thought that one of the past vacation lists was on the internet. I could be wrong, but what an AWESOME idea this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Save the Words
This post is something I think my sister, Kris, would enjoy. Thanks to the New Dork Review of Books, I clicked on the link and discovered you could save a word that has been disappearing from the English language. The trick is to use it constantly in your everyday conversations. How fun would that be, but at my job I would just get very strange looks. I think some of my other family members would benefit from it more than I would. Check it out:
If I said leeftail in conversation, I would get some strange looks. (It means in great demand).
Like: "The night vision goggles in Black Friday's ad were leeftail." Yeah, doesn't sound very intellectual at my place of business.
If I said leeftail in conversation, I would get some strange looks. (It means in great demand).
Like: "The night vision goggles in Black Friday's ad were leeftail." Yeah, doesn't sound very intellectual at my place of business.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Book Shelf
I want to add some more to my earlier post. I mentioned I almost bought Hugo's classic. I have three bookshelves of my own, and at least one of them is filled with books I have purchased but not read yet. I tend to check out books from the library and read those first, because of the due dates. Occasionally I pick one up when the library holds dry up, but many are sitting there for the day I choose them.
While at the bookstore, I had a thought. Do I "hoard" books so I have a great stack if I am ever stranded for a long period at home? Yes, I think I am book hoarder. I just hope that someday I will live in a place I can have an actual library. Faith is moving out someday, I can rearrange her room. Don't tell will be our little secret.
While at the bookstore, I had a thought. Do I "hoard" books so I have a great stack if I am ever stranded for a long period at home? Yes, I think I am book hoarder. I just hope that someday I will live in a place I can have an actual library. Faith is moving out someday, I can rearrange her room. Don't tell will be our little secret.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Updated Classics
There is an interesting prompt for discussion in one of the many book blogs I follow, and it really got me thinking. It also helped that Faith and I spent the morning browsing at Barnes and Noble after enjoying my venti peppermint mocha (I'm awake now). I had a 30% off one item coupon I had to use, and I had to choose between a classic (Hugo's Les Miserable) or a must read (Furnivall's Girl from Junchow). I chose the must read, because I bet I can pick up the classic at a used bookstore. Oh, sorry, I'm rambling....
The Blue Bookcase's Literary Blog Hop asked: What makes a contemporary novel a classic? It certainly brings up a good point, and I can list alot that I feel would fall under the category as a must read/must own. I came down to two selections that I strongly believe that need to be classified as classics: "The Stand" by Stephen King, and all of JK Rowlings Harry Potter books. Both books are amazing reads that take a simple plot of good versus evil and gets you cheering along the way.
Has anyone in my family read "The Stand"? It is one of my paperbacks that is worn, and I know I have read it twice. I refuse to give up my paperback, and it comforts me to know that it is still on my shelf, waiting for that day I need to lose myself in it again. I know my sister loves the miniseries as much as I do, and watches it whenever it's on (I still smile when King makes an appearance in the movie. His line is very choppy and you can tell he's not an actor). The book is so much better.
I'm not sure what Harry Potter books are still laying around, because it's hard to keep track when Faith reads my stuff, it seems to disappear in the pit she calls her room. But still it is comforting to know that they could be around somewhere. These books are classics because they don't cater to a specific age group. I know that 10 year olds enjoy it as much as the 65 year olds, and a classic is when a story can connect people in a special way. These books hold a special place in my heart, because Faith and I started reading them together, when our lives were turned upside down through the divorce. It was a great way to connect with my daughter before bedtime, and an easy way to escape the reality we were facing every day. I love the movies too, but the books are, of course, more involved and enjoyable. I know I will cry at the last showing of the last movie next summer, because I am always sad when a series ends, I feel as if a part of my life is gone.
The most amazing part of these books is that they are early novels of a new writer. Can you imagine one of your first publications being so loved that they are constantly in print? That is the stuff my dreams are made of.
The Blue Bookcase's Literary Blog Hop asked: What makes a contemporary novel a classic? It certainly brings up a good point, and I can list alot that I feel would fall under the category as a must read/must own. I came down to two selections that I strongly believe that need to be classified as classics: "The Stand" by Stephen King, and all of JK Rowlings Harry Potter books. Both books are amazing reads that take a simple plot of good versus evil and gets you cheering along the way.
Has anyone in my family read "The Stand"? It is one of my paperbacks that is worn, and I know I have read it twice. I refuse to give up my paperback, and it comforts me to know that it is still on my shelf, waiting for that day I need to lose myself in it again. I know my sister loves the miniseries as much as I do, and watches it whenever it's on (I still smile when King makes an appearance in the movie. His line is very choppy and you can tell he's not an actor). The book is so much better.
I'm not sure what Harry Potter books are still laying around, because it's hard to keep track when Faith reads my stuff, it seems to disappear in the pit she calls her room. But still it is comforting to know that they could be around somewhere. These books are classics because they don't cater to a specific age group. I know that 10 year olds enjoy it as much as the 65 year olds, and a classic is when a story can connect people in a special way. These books hold a special place in my heart, because Faith and I started reading them together, when our lives were turned upside down through the divorce. It was a great way to connect with my daughter before bedtime, and an easy way to escape the reality we were facing every day. I love the movies too, but the books are, of course, more involved and enjoyable. I know I will cry at the last showing of the last movie next summer, because I am always sad when a series ends, I feel as if a part of my life is gone.
The most amazing part of these books is that they are early novels of a new writer. Can you imagine one of your first publications being so loved that they are constantly in print? That is the stuff my dreams are made of.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Alone Time
I crave my alone time when I'm at work, and that is my hour lunch period. I have not been able to have a quiet lunch period for a long time now. Faith drives me to school in the morning, and I no longer have a vehicle to hide in. It is much easier for her to drive me to work, and then she is done at 4, picking me up at 5. It really works great when she has to work at 5, then I have the car. The only bad point is, I have to eat in the building.
I've tried everything, I put headphones in, people still try to talk to me. I hide in an office with a door shut, people just barge in. I sit in the breakroom, and then get paged for a phone call. Today I did something so out of my normal routine, it shocked even me. I went and ate at HyVee, sitting at a table by myself.
I have never done that, even if I'm traveling. I would always eat in my hotel room. I was always afraid of looking stupid. Not anymore. It was noisy, yet no one talked to me!!!! I read my book, and no one talked to me!!!! You see, in my life this is a HUGE accomplishment. I don't like to step out of my comfort zone, and I did it and found I survived, and went back to work feeling like I could tackle the afternoon. Yeah for me. The only problem is it will cost me money, so it will be limited. I can't bring myself to just sit there without buying anything. I know they wouldn't say anything, but I really don't think that is the right thing to do.
Yeah for me!!!!
Now what I do when I have too much alone time at home because Faith is always gone????
I've tried everything, I put headphones in, people still try to talk to me. I hide in an office with a door shut, people just barge in. I sit in the breakroom, and then get paged for a phone call. Today I did something so out of my normal routine, it shocked even me. I went and ate at HyVee, sitting at a table by myself.
I have never done that, even if I'm traveling. I would always eat in my hotel room. I was always afraid of looking stupid. Not anymore. It was noisy, yet no one talked to me!!!! I read my book, and no one talked to me!!!! You see, in my life this is a HUGE accomplishment. I don't like to step out of my comfort zone, and I did it and found I survived, and went back to work feeling like I could tackle the afternoon. Yeah for me. The only problem is it will cost me money, so it will be limited. I can't bring myself to just sit there without buying anything. I know they wouldn't say anything, but I really don't think that is the right thing to do.
Yeah for me!!!!
Now what I do when I have too much alone time at home because Faith is always gone????
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A Salute on Veteran's Day

Today is a day that is usually hidden, because it is unlucky to fall right before Thanksgiving, another holiday that is fast disappearing in this world of retail that is focusing on the money made over Christmas.
I do know some veterans in the family that we can honor today. Many times I wish I had asked Grandpa Briggle about his experiences. I don't recall that he actually saw combat, but his experiences were part of what is now known as the "Greatest Generation". I am familiar with the story of Grandma Briggle's brother who didn't make it home alive in WWII, but wish there was more information. I know Dad was in the National Guard, and that is a very important part of our country, and a cousin who is an officer. Even though I don't know much about their actual experiences (except for Dad's--thanks to those drives to the Hills) and wish someone would have written them down or recorded the stories. I may not know everything that they experienced, but I do know I owe them my thanks. This country would not be if we didn't have the veterans. Thank you for your devotion.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Can anyone answer this question: What, exactly, do some of the words that pop up for you to "verify" your comment left mean? You know, when you comment on a post, or sign up for something on the internet and they need to verify it's an actual person, not just some computer and it says to type what the letters are? Is it an actual word, or just jibberish? Comment on this post and you will understand my question. I've been wondering about that a long time now.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Pray for Silence

If you know me, you've heard that I hate to read series out of order. I also try to read an author's first publication until I get to the one I really want to read. It's almost as if I follow their journey of writing, even if they don't write an actual series. It's just one of my "issues".
I checked this book out, thinking it was the one I had wanted to read earlier this year. I didn't pay attention to the cover, but discovered after starting it that it was the second in a series by the author. Normally, I put the book down, and get the first one to start over, but I couldn't with this one. It grabbed my attention from the beginning and I decided I couldn't wait to finish it.
Glad I kept reading. The main character is typical of what I tend to read, a strong woman solving problems. What I really liked is that it combined another fascination of mine, the Amish. I can't explain why I want to read about this private group of people, and was introduced by Beverly Lewis when I started another of her series. Castillo takes it to a new experience for me, the main character chose to leave the Amish faith, but is still living where she was raised. The crimes committed against the Amish in her community become personal for her. I think I am going to pick up the first publication at the library. Although I know how that book ended, I am really interested in the developement of the characters I discovered. It was a quick, fascinating read, and another I couldn't figure out the ending on my own, which is always a plus for me.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Looking back at the publication dates of past posts, I have noticed that they are spiked when I have time off. I got to thinking about it and decided that my job is sucking the creativity and desire to write out of me. That's not a nice thought. Is it because all day long I have to be on my game, making decisions and making sure everyone around me is happy? Or is it because of exhaustion? Maybe it's because my computer chair is from the dining room table and so hard my back hurts if I sit here too long, especially if I take too long tending to my crops on Facebook's Farmville.
I'm not sure. Sorry I don't post as often as I like. I even took my time posting about my recent reads. I could post about the fact that now that political ads are finally done, I am already sick of the Christmas ads on. I could complain about the fact my toe still hurts from running over it with the pallet jack last Thursday (the entire big toe is now a nice shade of purple, and my toenail looks like I painted it a nice grey color, sorry TMI). Sure you don't want to hear about my dreams where I am yelling at the store manager because I am mad at him sometimes. Maybe you don't want to hear about the fact my ex is still a butthead, and what did I actually see in him? Maybe I should post my schedule for the rest of the month when I get it so you will know when to check my blog for a recent post:)
Be warned, it might be my last full weekend off until after the Holidays, so don't get too concerned if it's been awhile since you heard from creativity only goes so far.
I'm not sure. Sorry I don't post as often as I like. I even took my time posting about my recent reads. I could post about the fact that now that political ads are finally done, I am already sick of the Christmas ads on. I could complain about the fact my toe still hurts from running over it with the pallet jack last Thursday (the entire big toe is now a nice shade of purple, and my toenail looks like I painted it a nice grey color, sorry TMI). Sure you don't want to hear about my dreams where I am yelling at the store manager because I am mad at him sometimes. Maybe you don't want to hear about the fact my ex is still a butthead, and what did I actually see in him? Maybe I should post my schedule for the rest of the month when I get it so you will know when to check my blog for a recent post:)
Be warned, it might be my last full weekend off until after the Holidays, so don't get too concerned if it's been awhile since you heard from creativity only goes so far.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Postcard Killers

He's done it again, another fast paced, easy read murder mystery by Patterson. This time he teams up with who is listed as a famous writer in another country. The book is very similar in everything with a lot of his others, and I am wondering if I really want to continue reading his publications. I do enjoy his Women's Murder Club and the new series with the widowed detective with all the kids, and always enjoy Alex Cross, but when does it end? This one was a little creepy, but predictable and I found it kind of boring. It's getting to the point that I enjoy his books when I am busy, because his chapters are short and the book is easy to pick up when it's been a day between readings, and I hope that I don't "burn" out reading the stuff. I hate it when I stop reading a writer because I'm "bored", it's almost like breaking up with them. Weird, I know, but that's how I see it.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Midnight Angels

I discovered this author (who's last name I cannot pronounce) when I read "Sleepers", around the time the movie with the same name was released. I never saw the movie, but liked the book, and always try to read his new publications. I'll be honest, this book was very similar to "The DaVinci Code" because it was intrigue, murder, and mystery surrounding Micheangelo. It's been a couple of weeks since I read the book, and can honestly say I have forgotton some of it already. It took me over a week to read it, and that is a long time for me. Hope the next book is better.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Here We Go
Nope, not going anywhere in particular, unless you can say I'm literally falling into a pit of Holiday glitter, never to return. I am so frustrated with the holiday season, and I am sure you are all saying we are frustrated with your complaining so shut up already! Sorry, but it's my blog and I can cry if I want to.
Found out today that one of the assistants put in their 2 week notice. Yep, she's smart, leaving right before Thanksgiving. I've always dreamed of doing that, but never, ever pulled it off (yet, anyway). Know what that means????????? UGH, STRESSSSSSSSSSS worse than ever.
Nothing is finalized yet, but once again, my life will be turned upside down, along with every other employee. Yippee, I get to go back and do departments, but bet I don't lose my current job. Sure they are just gonna add it right on to the current list. I'm sure I'll never see any "retention bonus". That's another issue, because the company is now public, guess what is required for them to post for anyone with a search engine to see? That's right, the VP's "bonus" amount, which happened to fall after last year's restructure when people were being let go. On top of all of that, we know how many shares and dollar value each company "bigwig" was gifted. Some things are better not knowing. Do you think that made me happy? NOOOOO, wish my bonus was a 6 digit number, instead of the lousy 50 cent hourly wage increase some got (if they were lucky to get the top amount).
Signing off, pissed off...
Found out today that one of the assistants put in their 2 week notice. Yep, she's smart, leaving right before Thanksgiving. I've always dreamed of doing that, but never, ever pulled it off (yet, anyway). Know what that means????????? UGH, STRESSSSSSSSSSS worse than ever.
Nothing is finalized yet, but once again, my life will be turned upside down, along with every other employee. Yippee, I get to go back and do departments, but bet I don't lose my current job. Sure they are just gonna add it right on to the current list. I'm sure I'll never see any "retention bonus". That's another issue, because the company is now public, guess what is required for them to post for anyone with a search engine to see? That's right, the VP's "bonus" amount, which happened to fall after last year's restructure when people were being let go. On top of all of that, we know how many shares and dollar value each company "bigwig" was gifted. Some things are better not knowing. Do you think that made me happy? NOOOOO, wish my bonus was a 6 digit number, instead of the lousy 50 cent hourly wage increase some got (if they were lucky to get the top amount).
Signing off, pissed off...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ted Nugent in South Dakota
Glad he stayed on the other side of the state. Click to find out what kind of trouble he got in, thanks to Badland Blue
Monday, October 25, 2010
As I have mentioned in a previous post, I follow the New Dork Book Review. There is a current review of "Room" and it is so much better than my review. I wish I could review books like this.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Last Day
It is my final day of my final vacation of the year. I am lucky that after almost 20 years at the same workplace, I get 4 weeks of vacation a year. I try to take full weeks at a time, because they seem to help me get through the year. This last day is always the saddest for me, because it means I am soon entering the worst time of the year.
I get to look forward to the Holidays. I know many in my family love this time of year, and I did too, at some point in my life. Once you have worked retail, you will completely understand my feelings.
My entire year at work is spent with not enough time and too much to do, but at Christmas that increases many times over. Add in all of the other issues: crabby shoppers, increased phone calls, extra hours without overtime pay, needy employees, people calling in sick when they aren't sick, cold weather, electronics breaking down after being overworked, and I could keep going, but you didn't sign up to be bored with my grief.
I am pretty sure there is a secret pool the other associates conduct on when Kelly has her breakdown over the holidays. It can happen at any time for any reason, and I just don't have any control over it. It doesn't matter who is around when it happens, they get the wrath even if they don't deserve it. Usually the major one occurs only once between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I can't help it, the pressure of everyone around you always needing something from you breaks me. I don't know what I can do to offset that problem. I know the best way is to remove myself from the need when I feel the pressure building, but unfortunately in my job I can't just leave for some quiet time when I want to. Can you imagine me yelling out to the 10 people in my line I have to go, they are out of luck, because I am ready to lose my cool? How would you feel if you were waiting in that line? I can bet that every person waiting would be thinking "how dare she, I NEED her to help me because I NEED to buy this." See, the need is always there.
I try to get it to go away when I'm at home, but there is only so much venting and talking I can do with anyone. For some reason, I just need to blow my top. Exercising will not help, my job is already physical enough. I am so physically exhausted that my sleep is focused on refreshing my body, not my mind. Alchohol is not the answer, then I lose control of my body but my mind continues to spin.
I do appreciate my family during this season. I know they understand and try to help. I know they agree that I need to find a new job, but in today's economy, that is not going to happen. All I can do is wait it out, get through next January, and then mentally forget the problems until the end of next October, when the cycle begins again.
If I forget to say it later "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!".
I get to look forward to the Holidays. I know many in my family love this time of year, and I did too, at some point in my life. Once you have worked retail, you will completely understand my feelings.
My entire year at work is spent with not enough time and too much to do, but at Christmas that increases many times over. Add in all of the other issues: crabby shoppers, increased phone calls, extra hours without overtime pay, needy employees, people calling in sick when they aren't sick, cold weather, electronics breaking down after being overworked, and I could keep going, but you didn't sign up to be bored with my grief.
I am pretty sure there is a secret pool the other associates conduct on when Kelly has her breakdown over the holidays. It can happen at any time for any reason, and I just don't have any control over it. It doesn't matter who is around when it happens, they get the wrath even if they don't deserve it. Usually the major one occurs only once between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I can't help it, the pressure of everyone around you always needing something from you breaks me. I don't know what I can do to offset that problem. I know the best way is to remove myself from the need when I feel the pressure building, but unfortunately in my job I can't just leave for some quiet time when I want to. Can you imagine me yelling out to the 10 people in my line I have to go, they are out of luck, because I am ready to lose my cool? How would you feel if you were waiting in that line? I can bet that every person waiting would be thinking "how dare she, I NEED her to help me because I NEED to buy this." See, the need is always there.
I try to get it to go away when I'm at home, but there is only so much venting and talking I can do with anyone. For some reason, I just need to blow my top. Exercising will not help, my job is already physical enough. I am so physically exhausted that my sleep is focused on refreshing my body, not my mind. Alchohol is not the answer, then I lose control of my body but my mind continues to spin.
I do appreciate my family during this season. I know they understand and try to help. I know they agree that I need to find a new job, but in today's economy, that is not going to happen. All I can do is wait it out, get through next January, and then mentally forget the problems until the end of next October, when the cycle begins again.
If I forget to say it later "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!".
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Cap and Gown
Faith brought home her cap and gown order. Did you know that we have to BUY her cap and gown????? Is that not the most stupid thing you have ever heard of? Why doesn't the school simply set up a rental company to take care of that. Who, in there right mind, will want to keep their cap and gown. I just picture it as one more thing to store away.
You should see all of the stuff Jostens is trying to sell with the cap and gown. Of course, there is the standard "Senior 2011" sweatshirt, but don't forget the sweatpants, shorts, t-shirts, keyrings, bla, bla, bla... Yep, I will sure shell out 24.95 for some cheesy t-shirt, no problem on the 14.95 cheaply made keyring. Thanks, Jostens, for taking my money. After all, you have cornered the market. Is there any other company fighting for business to get you to lower your prices? It's like you know you are dealing with weepy 18 year old girls who are so emotional about leaving all of their buddies behind, and to show how much you care, we can purchase tacky stuff at unreasonable prices. (oh-don't forget the "souvenier" tassle so you don't have to ruin your actual tassle when you hang it on the rear view mirror of your car--which by the way I'm taking donations because Faith needs a car and I would like mine back please)
So begins the year of shelling out money. This order came right after the email from a parent sponsoring the Senior All-Nighter party. You remember, those parties at the school all night to keep the kids out of trouble at graduation time? Great idea, but I get to donate $100 the next parent/teacher conferences. THANK YOU Heather for saving us a ton of money on taking those Senior pictures. I know we just have to get them ordered, but after seeing the cost of announcements, I am so glad we are doing this party with Caleb and Faith together. The pictures will work out great to do our own announcements, and I have also seen some cute thank you postcards I thinking about for after.
Sigh, all of this on top of the stress of knowing my baby girl is getting older. Please forward any donations to my local bank. If you need the savings account info, you know how to email me. We would appreciate it if your donations would be in $20 increments.
You should see all of the stuff Jostens is trying to sell with the cap and gown. Of course, there is the standard "Senior 2011" sweatshirt, but don't forget the sweatpants, shorts, t-shirts, keyrings, bla, bla, bla... Yep, I will sure shell out 24.95 for some cheesy t-shirt, no problem on the 14.95 cheaply made keyring. Thanks, Jostens, for taking my money. After all, you have cornered the market. Is there any other company fighting for business to get you to lower your prices? It's like you know you are dealing with weepy 18 year old girls who are so emotional about leaving all of their buddies behind, and to show how much you care, we can purchase tacky stuff at unreasonable prices. (oh-don't forget the "souvenier" tassle so you don't have to ruin your actual tassle when you hang it on the rear view mirror of your car--which by the way I'm taking donations because Faith needs a car and I would like mine back please)
So begins the year of shelling out money. This order came right after the email from a parent sponsoring the Senior All-Nighter party. You remember, those parties at the school all night to keep the kids out of trouble at graduation time? Great idea, but I get to donate $100 the next parent/teacher conferences. THANK YOU Heather for saving us a ton of money on taking those Senior pictures. I know we just have to get them ordered, but after seeing the cost of announcements, I am so glad we are doing this party with Caleb and Faith together. The pictures will work out great to do our own announcements, and I have also seen some cute thank you postcards I thinking about for after.
Sigh, all of this on top of the stress of knowing my baby girl is getting older. Please forward any donations to my local bank. If you need the savings account info, you know how to email me. We would appreciate it if your donations would be in $20 increments.
Friday, October 22, 2010
As my family knows, I sometimes wait until the season is done before watching the TV show, then I spend the entire day watching an entire year's worth of episodes. Because I'm on vacation, thought I would finish up Saving Grace.
I love this show, and am sad the season I'm watching will be the last. It is so raw and in your face, and constantly makes me think. For those that have never seen it, Holly Hunter plays Grace, a tough, hard-edged Oklahoma detective. She has alot of personal problems, starting with her drinking and her guilt over her sister's death. Her brother is a Catholic priest, and there are alot of religious symbols and references throughout the show, especially her personal angel, Earl.
The season opener I just watched had me thinking. The premise was that Grace was saved by a miracle of God. The characters bring up a very interesting point, that when a miracle occurs, bad things follow.
Is this true? I wonder if that happens. On some level, it makes sense. This world is a constant battle between opposites, such as good and evil, sunshine and rain, happiness and sadness. In order to balance the miracle, something bad has to happen if theory is correct. I wonder if I were to search any known miracles if we would find tragedy before or after. It just makes sense to me. After the 9/11 tragedy, we heard nothing but stories of miracles happening. Life just has to occur that way to offset the ups or downs we experience. I don't think it's a reason to go looking for that bad thing to happen right after a wonderful experience occurs, I just think we need to take the good with the bad so we can live our lives.
I love this show, and am sad the season I'm watching will be the last. It is so raw and in your face, and constantly makes me think. For those that have never seen it, Holly Hunter plays Grace, a tough, hard-edged Oklahoma detective. She has alot of personal problems, starting with her drinking and her guilt over her sister's death. Her brother is a Catholic priest, and there are alot of religious symbols and references throughout the show, especially her personal angel, Earl.
The season opener I just watched had me thinking. The premise was that Grace was saved by a miracle of God. The characters bring up a very interesting point, that when a miracle occurs, bad things follow.
Is this true? I wonder if that happens. On some level, it makes sense. This world is a constant battle between opposites, such as good and evil, sunshine and rain, happiness and sadness. In order to balance the miracle, something bad has to happen if theory is correct. I wonder if I were to search any known miracles if we would find tragedy before or after. It just makes sense to me. After the 9/11 tragedy, we heard nothing but stories of miracles happening. Life just has to occur that way to offset the ups or downs we experience. I don't think it's a reason to go looking for that bad thing to happen right after a wonderful experience occurs, I just think we need to take the good with the bad so we can live our lives.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Reading Influences
I follow "The New Dork Review of Books" blog, and there was an interesting point brought up by the writer. Does the author/musician/artist's way of life influence if you should enjoy their work? Have you ever heard something about that particular person that ever caused you to stop and think you were no longer going to enjoy anything done by them because you were so offended by their actions? The blog brings up Roman Polanski. Has his revenue from his films decreased because he's not allowed to step foot in the country or be arrested for child molestation?
The question posed made me think. If I were to learn about an author's strange lifestyle, I don't think it would affect my decision to read their work. I don't purchase most of my books, they are borrowed, so it isn't a problem for me. I guess if I heard about a crime against a child, it might turn me off from checking out a book by them at the library, but I've never thought about it. Many of my favorite authors were brought to my attention because of the cover art. If it catches my attention, then I read the summary and go from there. For example: "The Lonely Polygamist" was definately an attention getter, just by the title alone.
The cover art/title isn't always a guarantee I will like the story. There are many times I put down a book after reading so much of it, although I don't follow any such rules as "50 pages" limits to give it a chance. I know some people give it time, and say they will try to read so many pages before putting it down, but I just know when it's time to end it.
The blog points out that Hemmingway, for example, was not a person you would want to know, yet every high school in America has him on their reading list. Hitler's autobiography is always on a "must read" list somewhere, and we all know what he did. (I will admit I have that on my list to read, but only from a historical standpoint, I really want to know how his mind worked) Are you influenced by the author's lifetime acheivements beyond their written word, or do you read them because you enjoy them? Maya Angelou is a great person to talk about, she has achieved much more in her life than I can ever imagine doing, but I really can't read her stuff, it just doesn't interest me.
I think it's great we live in a world today where I can go to my local library and get just about any type of reading material I would like to see whenever I want. I could never live someplace like China with all of the restrictions to the outside world (which I think it is terrible about the guy who won that peace award and probably doesn't even know because he is a political prisoner in his own country). Not all humans are perfect, and we can't just assume because they make one mistake that no matter what they do we should just ignore them. I know that one of my favorite authors, Jeffrey Archer, has been in prison for some reason in England, but I've never searched to find out why. I just know I enjoy his books.
Does anybody else refuse to read something or listen to music done by an artist who has committed a terrible crime? Or do you even care to find out about their personal life?
I follow "The New Dork Review of Books" blog, and there was an interesting point brought up by the writer. Does the author/musician/artist's way of life influence if you should enjoy their work? Have you ever heard something about that particular person that ever caused you to stop and think you were no longer going to enjoy anything done by them because you were so offended by their actions? The blog brings up Roman Polanski. Has his revenue from his films decreased because he's not allowed to step foot in the country or be arrested for child molestation?
The question posed made me think. If I were to learn about an author's strange lifestyle, I don't think it would affect my decision to read their work. I don't purchase most of my books, they are borrowed, so it isn't a problem for me. I guess if I heard about a crime against a child, it might turn me off from checking out a book by them at the library, but I've never thought about it. Many of my favorite authors were brought to my attention because of the cover art. If it catches my attention, then I read the summary and go from there. For example: "The Lonely Polygamist" was definately an attention getter, just by the title alone.
The cover art/title isn't always a guarantee I will like the story. There are many times I put down a book after reading so much of it, although I don't follow any such rules as "50 pages" limits to give it a chance. I know some people give it time, and say they will try to read so many pages before putting it down, but I just know when it's time to end it.
The blog points out that Hemmingway, for example, was not a person you would want to know, yet every high school in America has him on their reading list. Hitler's autobiography is always on a "must read" list somewhere, and we all know what he did. (I will admit I have that on my list to read, but only from a historical standpoint, I really want to know how his mind worked) Are you influenced by the author's lifetime acheivements beyond their written word, or do you read them because you enjoy them? Maya Angelou is a great person to talk about, she has achieved much more in her life than I can ever imagine doing, but I really can't read her stuff, it just doesn't interest me.
I think it's great we live in a world today where I can go to my local library and get just about any type of reading material I would like to see whenever I want. I could never live someplace like China with all of the restrictions to the outside world (which I think it is terrible about the guy who won that peace award and probably doesn't even know because he is a political prisoner in his own country). Not all humans are perfect, and we can't just assume because they make one mistake that no matter what they do we should just ignore them. I know that one of my favorite authors, Jeffrey Archer, has been in prison for some reason in England, but I've never searched to find out why. I just know I enjoy his books.
Does anybody else refuse to read something or listen to music done by an artist who has committed a terrible crime? Or do you even care to find out about their personal life?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Lazy Days
It's Wednesday, the 5th day of my vacation and I've done nothing but lay around. I did do dishes the other night and clean the kitchen a little, but the entire place needs a fall cleaning, and I just don't have the energy to do it. I slept in until 9:30 this morning and now enjoying my third cup of coffee and messing around on the computer. I need some energy people!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
My Car????
I am up super early on my vacation because I was craving a Starbucks. It's been only since last Saturday since my last, but I had a free one I had to use, so off I went. This post is not about my love for Starbucks, which you all know, but the fact that I had to get up so early.
I had to get up early so I had a car to use. I know it's my car, and I should be able to use it whenever I want, but I also have a teen who lives with me who doesn't have a car and has open campus for lunch. Oh the horror if she has to stay at school during open campus! She has many friends who also have open campus, but she has a study hall after, so hers is longer than theirs, which is why she NEEDS the car.
She does come home after lunch so I can drive her back to school and have the car until the end of the day, but still, the thought of sitting at home without a car is very frustrating. Not that I need it for anything, I would just sit at home anyway. If I did go somewhere, it wouldn't be until later in the day, which is after her lunch period. I sit at work on my lunch hour because I don't have a car to go anywhere, so why can't she? Faith gets up on my work days and drives me in (whether it's 5 a.m. or 6) so I don't have to leave work to take her to school, so it works out that way. She's also done at 4 p.m. and able to pick me up after. It still sucks!! My lunch hour used to be my mental break, now it's in the breakroom listening to everyone else's problems. I sacrifice, so why shouldn't she? Because I am the Mom and love her. Oh well, guess I just stay home today. Not like I had any plans.
I had to get up early so I had a car to use. I know it's my car, and I should be able to use it whenever I want, but I also have a teen who lives with me who doesn't have a car and has open campus for lunch. Oh the horror if she has to stay at school during open campus! She has many friends who also have open campus, but she has a study hall after, so hers is longer than theirs, which is why she NEEDS the car.
She does come home after lunch so I can drive her back to school and have the car until the end of the day, but still, the thought of sitting at home without a car is very frustrating. Not that I need it for anything, I would just sit at home anyway. If I did go somewhere, it wouldn't be until later in the day, which is after her lunch period. I sit at work on my lunch hour because I don't have a car to go anywhere, so why can't she? Faith gets up on my work days and drives me in (whether it's 5 a.m. or 6) so I don't have to leave work to take her to school, so it works out that way. She's also done at 4 p.m. and able to pick me up after. It still sucks!! My lunch hour used to be my mental break, now it's in the breakroom listening to everyone else's problems. I sacrifice, so why shouldn't she? Because I am the Mom and love her. Oh well, guess I just stay home today. Not like I had any plans.
Monday, October 18, 2010
My Favorite Coffee Cup

I have a new favorite coffee cup. Of course it is a Snoopy one, and the most recent in a long line of favorites. Strange how we love certain things more than others that we use daily. I actually smile a little when my favorite cup is clean and I can use it that morning.
In college it was a cup given to me by a friend at our high school graduation. It is long gone, but said something about needing to relax a little, which just tells you that I was a tad uptight sometimes.
When living in Des Moines, I had a free coffee mug that I had received from the local Catholic Church. I liked it because it was the perfect size and weight, not because of where it came from. Lost that mug when my ex thought it was funny to break it because he knew how much I liked it. Not a big deal, it was just one of his many ways to try to break me. Little did he know I found one the same weight and size at the local dollar store.
That purple dollar store mug is still in the cupboard, and I still enjoy using it, along with some free green mugs from some giveaway Mom and Dad had received. They are now my back up coffee cups when my new favorite is dirty. I love it, for many reasons, but the best is because Faith bought it for me just because she wanted to get it for me. I also love the saying "Tomorrow I start with a clean blanket". It just reminds me that we all need to start fresh the next day, no matter how bad the current day is. The mug always puts a smile on my face:)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced

I bet the title grabbed your attention, like it did mine. This nonfiction was based on Nujood's life, and young girl who was born in Yemen, right across the border from Saudi Arabia. Her life was spent listening to whatever her father and older brothers told her to do, including get married.
It is amazing that this young girl chose to stand up for her rights and be free to become a child again. But it is even more amazing that it is a girl standing up for her rights in a country that doesn't believe women should talk at all. Her mother doesn't stand up for her rights, and in fact we discover her older sister is in jail for committing adultery with another sister's husband.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Mom, I am so glad I get to spend time with you on your birthday. We sometimes take for granted that we have close family members around, and we need to realize that each day spent with each other should be cherished.
You are always there for me when I just need someone to cry to, laugh with, or even vent to, because you listen and don't judge me (unless I need a good slap across the back of the head). I appreciate the time you spent showing me the way to becoming an adult, and for sticking around to be my best friend. I love how we can just sit down and talk about whatever comes to mind: books, movies, TV shows, problems at work, and more. It is great to bounce ideas around with you, and I always feel like I get my answers I need to take home with me. When I am down, it's like you know and your phone call makes me feel so much better. Thanks Mom, for everything. I love you:)

This novel took two of the authors previous characters from two different story lines and brought them together in a great book. The first character is a strong female lead who is recently widowed, trying to put her life back together. The second is a man who is struggling to hide his problems while trying to solve everyone else's. I was completely suprised at the end when I did not guess it! If you like murder/thrillers, Karin Slaughter is a great choice!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Ape House

Sara Gruen takes the lives of animals and creates beautiful stories, and Ape House was no exception. I liked this story more than her last, Water for Elephants. I feel like it was a nonfiction book, the apes were so real and I'm sure there is some reality TV creator trying to think how he can get around animal rights laws to actually do what happens in the story.
I know she was trying to let the world know that animal rights are very important and that it is so amazing that apes can communicate with humans as well as they do, but I feel that the actual story was to expose the way reality TV has debased life as we know it. Anyone will do anything for their 15 minutes of fame and a big pile of money, and it is so sad that they will toss anyone aside to get to their goal. I love some reality shows, but there are some out there that need to be outlawed. I don't care what some Jersey punks are doing to get their kicks, or how some guy living in his parent's basement is waiting for the perfect girl (who his mom chooses) to come along. Yes, some are informative and life changing, but can we please be more selective?

I discovered Lisa Unger when I read a summary of one of her first novels, and was hooked. Now she is on my list to watch for new publications, and was excited when I discovered this one being released. The description was exactly what I love to read: family angst, mystery, history of a small town.
It started out good, and at first I thought I had it all figured out. My assumption really had the book dragging along, because I wanted it to end quickly to prove I was right. I wasn't and I spoiled it for myself, sure I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't do things like that.
I loved the fact she based it in a small town, and felt comfortable with the surroundings. The only thing I think could have been left out was a storyline of a guy doing pest control. I know he had some important clues to the mystery, but almost felt we could have gotten to the same end results by having the main characters figure things out themselves. At the end the author even includes how the pest control guy turned his life around, and you know what? I didn't really care how he ended up.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Happy Anniverary Charlie Brown
Friday, October 1, 2010

Yeah it's October! Time for cooler weather, color changing leaves, cozy sweatshirts and Lucy getting warm by burrowing under the covers.
Booo it's October! Halloween merchandise almost gone and the month's not even started yet. Bigger and more shipments of Christmas crap every week. Black Friday is just around the corner.
Guess ya gotta take the good with the bad:)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
New Blog
Found a new blog to follow, and it is actually quite fun to read, so I had to share:)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Help

I remember over a year ago meeting family in Alcester. It is always a great time to see Angie and Robbie with all of their families, we don't get together nearly enough. I was lucky enough to sit near Angie, and she asked if we had read anything good recently. She then proceeded to mention a book titled "Help" about some maids and their experiences. Angie said it was really good and we had to read it. I had completely forgotten that part of the conversation, and recently discovering this novel that had been on the bestseller listing had me remembering.
The maids are African American women working in the Sixties when Kennedy was President. The problem was that they were working in Mississippi, during a very unstable time in race relations. The two main characters are on opposite sides of races, and are brought together to do something amazing to bring awareness around the world to what really happens in their workplaces.
I loved this book. It had great characters, and a wonderful story line. I was horrified to learn what was really going on in some of those homes, and I know this was a fiction, it was probably true on some level. We learn about things in history, but it really comes alive when a name and face are given to the people who experience what we read about. This is one book you will need to read.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wish I Was There (as if you didn't know already)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
New Website Found!
Check this out---I found it on some comment on Facebook. I am linked to many "book" sites, because I am always looking for the next best read and this was one mentioned. Can't wait to look at it all!
Check this out---I found it on some comment on Facebook. I am linked to many "book" sites, because I am always looking for the next best read and this was one mentioned. Can't wait to look at it all!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Had to Share
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wicked Appetite

Yeah, another Janet Evanovich book...but wait, this one was a stinker. It featured Diesel, who we were introduced in one of the Stephanie Plum series, and the story line was nothing exciting at all. The author tried to do the normal craziness but it just didn't carry out in this novel. I usually laugh out loud when reading about Stephanie's adventures, and I did laugh out loud but only because thankfully, Carl the monkey made an appearance. Wait, did I just say I was glad that a MONKEY showed up? It is a bad read. If you have to, don't buy it, borrow it.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Burning Wire

This was the third book I finished while on vacation. On my first day off, three new books were available for me off my hold list. It was fate, because I was on vacation and because they were all new releases from favorite authors.
I enjoy the Lincoln Rhyme series, but the lastest I had parts I skimmed over. Deaver has started to list things and get too technical for the storyline. During the plot, the cops "list" their facts on white boards, and I don't know why the author feels he needs to put it in the book (kind of like those other authors that include recipes). I don't feel it adds anything, and doesn't help me try to figure out the ending.
Anyway, you have all read how I vary the types of books I read to keep my interest up, and fate has it that this is the third thriller I have read in a row. It was not by choice, it just so happens that the three books available were all thrillers, so I have a feeling that this one was a little dull because I was tired of the mystery. Doesn't matter though, I still look forward to his next book!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
New Phone
It was time to update the phones. Our two year agreement was coming to a close, and Faith was pestering me, so we headed to the store. I know many of you like to do it online, but I tried that and it was too hard for me. I have to ask a person the questions I have, not scroll through a website to find the answer. I was going to go in and get a regular phone, you know, just talk and text. Don't need all those fun gadgets, or so I thought...
Faith wanted a phone with internet. She said she would pay the extra per month, so I agreed that was okay. Then the salesman started showing her the newest, the Samsung Fascinate. I was hooked when he said that if we purchased that phone, we could get any other phone in the store for FREE. Of course, I went with the same one. He took 25% off the phone covers for both phones, and the car charger (which can charge both phones at the same time). I usually buy those later, but end up waiting forever to pick them up, so we just took care of it there. I also got a discount because of my employer, and it is discounted every month as well. We got both phones and accessories for $350, with a $200 rebate coming. I think we did a great job. I know I could have gone with free phones, but then I would not have the Star Wars app with sound effects, a Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes app with daily comic strips, the Paper Toss game, Angry Birds game, etc. What can I say? Show us technology and we have to have it. Call me sometime, or text me so I can hear the disco music from the Star Wars movie:)
Faith wanted a phone with internet. She said she would pay the extra per month, so I agreed that was okay. Then the salesman started showing her the newest, the Samsung Fascinate. I was hooked when he said that if we purchased that phone, we could get any other phone in the store for FREE. Of course, I went with the same one. He took 25% off the phone covers for both phones, and the car charger (which can charge both phones at the same time). I usually buy those later, but end up waiting forever to pick them up, so we just took care of it there. I also got a discount because of my employer, and it is discounted every month as well. We got both phones and accessories for $350, with a $200 rebate coming. I think we did a great job. I know I could have gone with free phones, but then I would not have the Star Wars app with sound effects, a Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes app with daily comic strips, the Paper Toss game, Angry Birds game, etc. What can I say? Show us technology and we have to have it. Call me sometime, or text me so I can hear the disco music from the Star Wars movie:)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Just Wishing...
Vacation's Over vacation comes to a close. It is day number 10 and I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I have been a little bored, but not enough to head back to the store. I had plans to get alot done over my 10 days, but finally said, "Who cares?" and just took it easy, doing something when I felt like it. I am excited to have another week off in the middle of October, but as a lovely coworker pointed out, only 10 weeks until Black Friday. That just put me in the downward spiral!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ice Cold

Tess Gerritsen does it again! I love the duo of Rizzoli and Isles, and so glad that there is a new series out on TV as well...though I haven't watched all the recorded shows yet (once again, I suffer from full DVR syndrome). The author will switch off making one of the pair the lead in a recent publication, so we learn about the characters by the number of books we read.
The book concentrates on Dr. Maura Isles this time. Always dependable and following life's rules, she decides to throw caution to the wind and it gets her into a bad situation. I hope we see more of "Rat" in future publications, he was a great character to get to know.
I highly recommend this series, but as usual, start with the first one. Their interaction has alot of history you need to know to understand.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Library
This post is my dedication to the, not the bar down the street, which has the same name, but the place where you can check out any book, movie, CD, etc. of your choice.
I consider it a fantastic service the library provides for this country. I believe it was Helen Keller who thought of the idea, and started the first one, but I could be wrong. Google it if you want, I choose not to at this point. Where else in the world can you go somewhere in your area and get an ID that allows you travel places all over for free? Every time I walk into my local library, I am thankful that part of the government is working in our favor.
I don't know why I never chose to go to school to get a degree in library services. Guess my dream was to always own a bookstore. I never had plans to make large amounts of money, so I really wish I would have decided about that idea about 25 years ago. Librarians are fantastic people. They are not the old nasty ladies with bifocals looking for some young punk to yell at (I am NOT picturing Ms. Hodenfield at this point--I always liked her). At my local library, there are a few older ladies, but they smile, and love to help people. There is even a young guy who I swear has been working there since he was in high school. They are just as interested in your selections as if you were buying them and they were making money off of you.
I love the thrill of finding out about a new publication from a favorite author, going online and entering my ID number (sorry, know it by heart---but Faith knows hers by heart too, so it's a good thing!) to put that book on hold. I literally pump my fist into the air in victory when I am the first one to get the book. (I'll say it again, I am a nerd) I LOVE getting that new book and open it up, breaking the "seal" and being the first to savor the story. I also think about the books who have been in other hands before reaching me, wondering who the person was, did they enjoy it, did the love it, did they hate it. Did it bring them as much joy as it brought me?
Don't get me wrong, I still love buying books, but if I bought everything I wanted, I would be drowning in debt and walking through the aisles created by the stacks and stacks of books I just had to have, not getting to sit down anywhere to enjoy. I save the purchasing for two categories: the books that interest me the most (Native American publications, Anne Rice) and the books I can't get at the library. For some reason, some publications just don't make the cut. It doesn't bother me though, that way I get to hunt in different places for that must read.
Libraries are one American idea I am proud of. Someday I hope to actually enter the Library of Congress and actually see history through the spines of thousands of books. But if that never happens, I will gladly be enjoying my time surrounded by bookshelves in my own home, with spines of books that show my history of things I love.
I consider it a fantastic service the library provides for this country. I believe it was Helen Keller who thought of the idea, and started the first one, but I could be wrong. Google it if you want, I choose not to at this point. Where else in the world can you go somewhere in your area and get an ID that allows you travel places all over for free? Every time I walk into my local library, I am thankful that part of the government is working in our favor.
I don't know why I never chose to go to school to get a degree in library services. Guess my dream was to always own a bookstore. I never had plans to make large amounts of money, so I really wish I would have decided about that idea about 25 years ago. Librarians are fantastic people. They are not the old nasty ladies with bifocals looking for some young punk to yell at (I am NOT picturing Ms. Hodenfield at this point--I always liked her). At my local library, there are a few older ladies, but they smile, and love to help people. There is even a young guy who I swear has been working there since he was in high school. They are just as interested in your selections as if you were buying them and they were making money off of you.
I love the thrill of finding out about a new publication from a favorite author, going online and entering my ID number (sorry, know it by heart---but Faith knows hers by heart too, so it's a good thing!) to put that book on hold. I literally pump my fist into the air in victory when I am the first one to get the book. (I'll say it again, I am a nerd) I LOVE getting that new book and open it up, breaking the "seal" and being the first to savor the story. I also think about the books who have been in other hands before reaching me, wondering who the person was, did they enjoy it, did the love it, did they hate it. Did it bring them as much joy as it brought me?
Don't get me wrong, I still love buying books, but if I bought everything I wanted, I would be drowning in debt and walking through the aisles created by the stacks and stacks of books I just had to have, not getting to sit down anywhere to enjoy. I save the purchasing for two categories: the books that interest me the most (Native American publications, Anne Rice) and the books I can't get at the library. For some reason, some publications just don't make the cut. It doesn't bother me though, that way I get to hunt in different places for that must read.
Libraries are one American idea I am proud of. Someday I hope to actually enter the Library of Congress and actually see history through the spines of thousands of books. But if that never happens, I will gladly be enjoying my time surrounded by bookshelves in my own home, with spines of books that show my history of things I love.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Happy Anniversary Heather & Trung

So hard to believe that 5 years ago today we were all witnessing the union of the 2 most amazing people. I am so glad to have this wonderful couple in our family, who are the great example of what married life is all about. They have a fantastic son, and my only wish is that we lived a little closer than we do.
Thank you, Heather and Trung, for letting us join you on that amazing day, and heres to many, many more fantastic years to come! Love you lots, and sending you best wishes--have a fantastic day!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Blues
No, I'm not feeling blue, just loving the Blues! Recently I wrote about the anniversary of Stevie Ray Vaughan's death, and I had also published some of his videos on my facebook page. One of my employees (alot are my "friends" on facebook--it's a great way for them to communicate to me and it's very easy to ask them info too) mentioned that he's a big fan too. He told me a story about getting stranded in a small town in Texas during a business trip, and the town was having a big blues fest, so he was enjoying alot of the music. He was going to burn a CD for me and have me try it out.
OMG! The music is amazing, I listened to it all that weekend. He later told me it was Smokin' Joe Kubek and Mike Morgan and The Crawl. Had to give Dad a copy---so he's going to have to give me his opinion on it too. It's now on frequent rotation on a playlist. I love how music can link people, and I love getting new ideas from others.
On the subject of music, I have to include this for Dad: The other day I was working along side all of my fun employees in the stockroom. Some of the conversation gets very interesting, and I was just listening in. A couple of youngsters were singing "Secret Agent Man". I stopped and turned around and the expressions on their faces when they saw me were "what?". I asked "How do you know that song, it's older than you are?". They shrugged and said "Austin Powers". Sigh, oh well, thought for sure they were up on the cool music.
OMG! The music is amazing, I listened to it all that weekend. He later told me it was Smokin' Joe Kubek and Mike Morgan and The Crawl. Had to give Dad a copy---so he's going to have to give me his opinion on it too. It's now on frequent rotation on a playlist. I love how music can link people, and I love getting new ideas from others.
On the subject of music, I have to include this for Dad: The other day I was working along side all of my fun employees in the stockroom. Some of the conversation gets very interesting, and I was just listening in. A couple of youngsters were singing "Secret Agent Man". I stopped and turned around and the expressions on their faces when they saw me were "what?". I asked "How do you know that song, it's older than you are?". They shrugged and said "Austin Powers". Sigh, oh well, thought for sure they were up on the cool music.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just finished another of the amazing James Patterson books. I don't say it's amazing because the book was that good (it was good anyway) but because the man can publish books faster than I can read them. He has become a machine, and I hope that amount of work he publishes doesn't ever diminish his writing style.
This novel was also written with one of his many coauthors, Maxine Paeltro. I have come to love the ones she writes with, and hope that someday soon she will have her own publication, like Andrew Gross, another Patterson coauthor. As they usually do, this one moved fast, with short chapters and quick action. His books are the ones I like to have in the car with me to grab when I'm waiting for something, like fast food drive through or a very long stop light. I know that scares some of you, but hey, my foot is on the brake, and we aren't going anywhere. At least I don't text and drive!
This novel was also written with one of his many coauthors, Maxine Paeltro. I have come to love the ones she writes with, and hope that someday soon she will have her own publication, like Andrew Gross, another Patterson coauthor. As they usually do, this one moved fast, with short chapters and quick action. His books are the ones I like to have in the car with me to grab when I'm waiting for something, like fast food drive through or a very long stop light. I know that scares some of you, but hey, my foot is on the brake, and we aren't going anywhere. At least I don't text and drive!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Yeah, I'm on vacation this week, and what beautiful weather it is! Not that I will get out of the house much, but I do enjoy having the fresh, cool air come in and get rid of the stale stuff from the air conditioner. I also love seeing my cat lying in the sun sleeping, for some reason that alone gives me peace.
I am lucky enough to get 4 vacation weeks a year. Maybe not lucky, some would call it stupid for staying in the job I have for this long to actually accrue (Kristen--is that word used correctly here?) that much time off. My employer requires us to use it all or lose it when our anniversary date arrives. Sometimes I wish I could roll some over, but I guess it actually helps my sanity to use it all.
Typically I use one week over the summer to spend with my family on a real vacation, one we actually leave town and do things together. The other 3 weeks are "me" time, or time off just to be "mom". Faith loves when I'm on vacation. I cook, clean, and home in the morning when she gets up and home when she gets off school. That doesn't mean she stays home more, she just loves that I don't make her do all of her normal chores. Why do I feel guilty asking her to empty the dishwasher or fold laundry when I am home all week and she has a full day of school and works 15 hours plus all of her classroom workstudy? She's younger than I am, but I just can't do it.
I will spend my week cleaning, MAYBE doing a closet or clean out the fridge, will run the errands to WalMart, and just might get the oil changed in the car (it's due next week, but I also have a week day off next week that I could just do it then). Time to turn on one of my playlists and get some cleaning done, or maybe I should start that book. hmmmm....
I am lucky enough to get 4 vacation weeks a year. Maybe not lucky, some would call it stupid for staying in the job I have for this long to actually accrue (Kristen--is that word used correctly here?) that much time off. My employer requires us to use it all or lose it when our anniversary date arrives. Sometimes I wish I could roll some over, but I guess it actually helps my sanity to use it all.
Typically I use one week over the summer to spend with my family on a real vacation, one we actually leave town and do things together. The other 3 weeks are "me" time, or time off just to be "mom". Faith loves when I'm on vacation. I cook, clean, and home in the morning when she gets up and home when she gets off school. That doesn't mean she stays home more, she just loves that I don't make her do all of her normal chores. Why do I feel guilty asking her to empty the dishwasher or fold laundry when I am home all week and she has a full day of school and works 15 hours plus all of her classroom workstudy? She's younger than I am, but I just can't do it.
I will spend my week cleaning, MAYBE doing a closet or clean out the fridge, will run the errands to WalMart, and just might get the oil changed in the car (it's due next week, but I also have a week day off next week that I could just do it then). Time to turn on one of my playlists and get some cleaning done, or maybe I should start that book. hmmmm....
Saturday, September 11, 2010
September 11th
Today is always a hard day for me personally. I don't have any direct connection to the terrible tragedy that happened today, but my heart breaks just remembering.
Nine years ago today, I was taking vacation time from work. I had just finished a difficult time, divorcing and ending my 7 year marriage, trying to deal with doing it all on my own (with my family backing me 100% of course). Faith was dropped off at school, and I was in the attic, trying to clean up the toys because it was the playroom. Kristen called, asking me if I knew what was going on, and that I needed to watch the news. The rest of the day was spent in front of the TV, horrified by what was being reported.
I still cry seeing the tape of those towers being hit, then falling. I can't stand to hear any of the recorded 911 calls from anyone, it just tears me up inside. To this day I cry, and am tearing up now just trying to write this post. It is hard to believe it is already 9 years ago that it happened. I remembered the subdued feeling as we all tried to get on with our life. It was quiet no matter where you were, no one was laughing or making any noise in the grocery store, at the gas station, or even the dentist offices. I had a teeth cleaning that week and spent the entire hour watching reports that came in on the TV above the chair. Why did it have to happen?
We are still at war. I know that the President said it is ending. But will it ever end? I hope the terrorists will not win, but right now it is so hard to say. We are a scared nation. Everything we do we wonder who was behind it. I'm sure someone will try to connect that terrible gas explosion that just happened in a California neighborhood to some terrorist. How many times do you go through security at the airports and just wonder that you are having to stand in line forever because the terrorist took that right of safety from you? I'm scared.
We are reminded every day. Recently the topic in one of Faith's classes was about the group wanting to build a mosque near the original site of the towers. How can hate overtake us like this? How can I, as one person living in the middle of this country without any political background, change this ideal for the better? I hope that preacher is all hot air and doesn't go through with his plan for Koran burning. Did no one learn from the lesson taught to us by history? This is a day where we can all say "God Bless America" and mean it, no matter who your God is, we need spiritual help to get through this together.
Nine years ago today, I was taking vacation time from work. I had just finished a difficult time, divorcing and ending my 7 year marriage, trying to deal with doing it all on my own (with my family backing me 100% of course). Faith was dropped off at school, and I was in the attic, trying to clean up the toys because it was the playroom. Kristen called, asking me if I knew what was going on, and that I needed to watch the news. The rest of the day was spent in front of the TV, horrified by what was being reported.
I still cry seeing the tape of those towers being hit, then falling. I can't stand to hear any of the recorded 911 calls from anyone, it just tears me up inside. To this day I cry, and am tearing up now just trying to write this post. It is hard to believe it is already 9 years ago that it happened. I remembered the subdued feeling as we all tried to get on with our life. It was quiet no matter where you were, no one was laughing or making any noise in the grocery store, at the gas station, or even the dentist offices. I had a teeth cleaning that week and spent the entire hour watching reports that came in on the TV above the chair. Why did it have to happen?
We are still at war. I know that the President said it is ending. But will it ever end? I hope the terrorists will not win, but right now it is so hard to say. We are a scared nation. Everything we do we wonder who was behind it. I'm sure someone will try to connect that terrible gas explosion that just happened in a California neighborhood to some terrorist. How many times do you go through security at the airports and just wonder that you are having to stand in line forever because the terrorist took that right of safety from you? I'm scared.
We are reminded every day. Recently the topic in one of Faith's classes was about the group wanting to build a mosque near the original site of the towers. How can hate overtake us like this? How can I, as one person living in the middle of this country without any political background, change this ideal for the better? I hope that preacher is all hot air and doesn't go through with his plan for Koran burning. Did no one learn from the lesson taught to us by history? This is a day where we can all say "God Bless America" and mean it, no matter who your God is, we need spiritual help to get through this together.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Captured

Once again, it took me a long time to finish a book. I was at another point where I had no books "in queu" so to speak. I looked at my bookshelf and decided it was time for a historical nonfiction, this time following my interest. I have always been facinated by Cynthia Ann Parker, a well know Native American "white" Indian, captured from her family in Texas when young, eventually marrying a Comanche leader. Her first born son, Quanah Parker, had grown to be the last know Comanche chief, becoming famous for his leadership in the late years of the Native American tribe.
This book focused on other captive children during the years before and after the Civil War in Texas. The author was trying to find information on his ancestor, Adolf Korn, who was captured in his early teens and then sent back to his family after a short time. In all cases mentioned, every child was relocated and sent back to his/her family, but they never ended up happy and successful in life. It's almost as if they wanted to return to the Native life. What child wouldn't, when their German parents made them work hard to survive, but their adoptive Native parents let them ride horses, play games and do whatever their young hearts desired. Most had money troubles in later life, along with relationship issues and dealing with trying to fit in. It is actually sad, because I understand their parents wanting their children back, and then not understanding how to deal with these "wild" children once they are returned.
In one case, Rudolph Fischer was actually forced to return to his original family after he was 18 years old, spending almost 12 years living with the Comanches. His family needed to know what had happened to him, but because he was an adult, I don't know why they forced him back to his original life. Needless to say, he went back to live with his Native family, and eventually one of his children married one of Quanah Parker's children, forever officially linking him to his Comanche roots.
Towards the end of the book, it told that a few of these former captives actually tried to be officially adopted by their original tribes. Many government officials claimed they were only trying to get a piece of the land they were giving out to tribal members. This was a way they could show their dedication to their loved time with their captures.
The book was very hard to read, but my interest kept me in the story. Cynthia Ann Parker was eventually sent back to her family, but she was a young married woman who had a few children of her own by then. It was too late for her, she died in her original family home, heartbroken after her baby girl passed away. Another sad chapter in our country's history.
Monday, August 30, 2010
It's Official---I'm a Gleek
When the show "Glee" first aired, I watched the premier. I think that was the one where they showed the first one and then didn't actually start the weekly series until much later. I thought it was just ok, and never continued. Boy, was I totally wrong. Thanks to Heather's sharing the Logan adventures with Rachel, I took advantage of the Fox network running the entire last season over the summer and I am HOOKED!! I can't wait until it starts in the fall, and the opening of the Emmy awards with the "Glee" stars blew me away!
Jimmy Fallon--you rocked it out with those kids, and when Sue threw that slushie in your face--hilarious. Betty White made another funny cameo, and when they started singing "Born to Run" I was on the edge of my seat. Then more appearances: I laughed at Kate Gosselin, Tim Gunn and the one and only Randy Jackson showed up, I almost stood up and cheered at the end. It is now on You Tube, and I had to watch it again tonight, so I'm sharing with you, just in case you need to see it again, and again, and again.
Jimmy Fallon--you rocked it out with those kids, and when Sue threw that slushie in your face--hilarious. Betty White made another funny cameo, and when they started singing "Born to Run" I was on the edge of my seat. Then more appearances: I laughed at Kate Gosselin, Tim Gunn and the one and only Randy Jackson showed up, I almost stood up and cheered at the end. It is now on You Tube, and I had to watch it again tonight, so I'm sharing with you, just in case you need to see it again, and again, and again.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Those Who Save Us

It really isn't fair to review this book. I actually started it around the time all of the drama in the house came out, so it took me almost two weeks to actually read this novel. I know, unbelievable for me, huh?
The story took a long time for me to get into. Maybe because it seemed so dreary, and dreary was not what I was wanting to read about lately. I finally started enjoying it about half way through, but that could be because the situation around here was starting to calm down, I'm not sure. The ending did make me tear up a little, because Trudi finally figured out who her mom was, which was kind of sad to be when she was over 40.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Today's post is in dedication to the late, great, Stevie Ray Vaughan. It was 20 years ago today we lost the greatest blues musician the world has ever know. During my college years, there was a chance to see him in concert, and due to lack of funds I didn't go. That has been one of my biggest regrets in life. Now and then I catch old videos and his great performances on Austin City Limits and think "my God, how is it possible anyone can play like that". Here's a link to my favorite song of all time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Mismates will one day be the death of me. Seriously. They are that bad and the worst part of my job. What's a mismate you ask? Glad you did, because you are gonna hear about it anyway.
Clothing vendors and retail stores love to sell clothing sets. You remember buying those cute little baby outfits that come with both the top and bottoms for one low price? Well, you can find those sets in almost any part of a clothing store, and unless you are a perfect size top and bottom, not everyone can wear the same sizes from head to toe. The only time that actually works is when a child is under 6 months old or it applies to your pair of shoes. After that, something grows faster than the other parts, and the sets just don't work.
Our rules at the checkout is that both have to be the same size in order for you to purchase the set, and believe me, they will try. There is a VERY logical reasoning behind this law. If you want to purchase that large top with the medium bottoms, what kind of set do you still have on the floor? That's right, a medium top and a large bottom (which, you may not believe, is IMPOSSIBLE to sell like that). So, in theory, if everyone does their job, we would never have mismated sets. NOT...
Some cashiers don't care, and let it go through. Or you have a store manager who is in too much of a hurry to bother to check the sizes. When this happens, my mess begins.
In the stockroom, I have a clothing rack about 4 feet long that any mismates found on the floor are stored. Again, the theory is if you have a mismate to place on the rack, first look at the rack and see if you can find the corresponding pieces, mate them up and return them to the sales floor. Again, this theory works if the sales associate cares about doing a good job, or you have a store manager that isn't in too much of a hurry and likes to help out where he can.
This rack is sorted in three sections, by date. First section is week one, second section is week two, you get the picture. Every week I take some time out of my already overscheduled day to look through this rack. First, I find one to two sets I can match up by just looking at it. Imagine if that part time associate did that! Then I take the mismated sets and head to the sales floor to try to match up the correct pair. I don't just check the original rack it was on, I check EVERY rack in that department, because remember that part-timer that doesn't give a flying feather about their job??? That's right, it could be a toddler item in the misses swim. I also have to check every piece on the clearance racks, because that is where things "hide" from the all knowing.
After 3 weeks of not finding the said mismate, I head to the office, grab an inventory scanner, and have fun. I first have to take the item completely out of inventory, scanning it to subtract it so our numbers match. Now I get to bring 2 new sku items back INTO inventory, because we are going to sell each piece individually. The price I assign is half (or thirds if it is a 3 piece set--which are more of a nightmare and could result in a whole other posting) and put a new ticket on each item. Because these new items are not meant to be sold separately, they need to go on a clearance rack, hoping they will sell. Going on a clearance rack means it will be signed "20-60% off our everyday price" so I get to ring them through inventory again, taking the value ownership to a lower price so now there will be the "original" price and a "clearance" price on the ticket.
This is bad enough, but some vendors have jumped on a new idea: selling a scarf, necklace, toy, or hat with the two piece set. So everytime there is a missing item, I have to conduct the mismate process all over again because the tag is marked "with scarf" for example. This has increased the mismate workload tremendously. (Just in case you were needing one, we do have boys t-shirts for sale with a real skateboard attached.)
Every night that part timer will clean their department. When they find a pair of shorts on the floor that belongs to a mismate, they will walk it back to the stockroom to the rack. I would think that the matching top is hanging on the rack right where those shorts are laying, but I am probably wrong in that theory. I also love the guest who has to tear into that packaged underwear to look at it (I understand it's kids underwear and you need to look at it, but it has a seal you can open and shut back up, do you really need to rip open the plastic on the top and then throw the loose pieces on the rack? Why can't you just put it back in the package?). I also want to applaud the smart one who actually pulls apart the socks that aren't in plastic, but only bundled by a strip of paper, so you can actually feel and see the socks without opening a bag. Is there a reason you need to have the pair separate from each other in order to see if one will work, or what?
I want to thank a coworker this week for taking on a huge problem. Due to the back to school season, that 4 foot rack grew into 3 racks because there just wasn't time. It was a mess, and she spent all day cleaning it up. She actually ended up with 2 racks of stuff that she could mate without even leaving the stockroom. I am now working on cleaning up the inventory of the merchandise that is older, because it needs to get on that clearance rack--next week we are having 50% off of that clearance and it's a great way to get rid of it. I am so glad that this week is almost up!
Clothing vendors and retail stores love to sell clothing sets. You remember buying those cute little baby outfits that come with both the top and bottoms for one low price? Well, you can find those sets in almost any part of a clothing store, and unless you are a perfect size top and bottom, not everyone can wear the same sizes from head to toe. The only time that actually works is when a child is under 6 months old or it applies to your pair of shoes. After that, something grows faster than the other parts, and the sets just don't work.
Our rules at the checkout is that both have to be the same size in order for you to purchase the set, and believe me, they will try. There is a VERY logical reasoning behind this law. If you want to purchase that large top with the medium bottoms, what kind of set do you still have on the floor? That's right, a medium top and a large bottom (which, you may not believe, is IMPOSSIBLE to sell like that). So, in theory, if everyone does their job, we would never have mismated sets. NOT...
Some cashiers don't care, and let it go through. Or you have a store manager who is in too much of a hurry to bother to check the sizes. When this happens, my mess begins.
In the stockroom, I have a clothing rack about 4 feet long that any mismates found on the floor are stored. Again, the theory is if you have a mismate to place on the rack, first look at the rack and see if you can find the corresponding pieces, mate them up and return them to the sales floor. Again, this theory works if the sales associate cares about doing a good job, or you have a store manager that isn't in too much of a hurry and likes to help out where he can.
This rack is sorted in three sections, by date. First section is week one, second section is week two, you get the picture. Every week I take some time out of my already overscheduled day to look through this rack. First, I find one to two sets I can match up by just looking at it. Imagine if that part time associate did that! Then I take the mismated sets and head to the sales floor to try to match up the correct pair. I don't just check the original rack it was on, I check EVERY rack in that department, because remember that part-timer that doesn't give a flying feather about their job??? That's right, it could be a toddler item in the misses swim. I also have to check every piece on the clearance racks, because that is where things "hide" from the all knowing.
After 3 weeks of not finding the said mismate, I head to the office, grab an inventory scanner, and have fun. I first have to take the item completely out of inventory, scanning it to subtract it so our numbers match. Now I get to bring 2 new sku items back INTO inventory, because we are going to sell each piece individually. The price I assign is half (or thirds if it is a 3 piece set--which are more of a nightmare and could result in a whole other posting) and put a new ticket on each item. Because these new items are not meant to be sold separately, they need to go on a clearance rack, hoping they will sell. Going on a clearance rack means it will be signed "20-60% off our everyday price" so I get to ring them through inventory again, taking the value ownership to a lower price so now there will be the "original" price and a "clearance" price on the ticket.
This is bad enough, but some vendors have jumped on a new idea: selling a scarf, necklace, toy, or hat with the two piece set. So everytime there is a missing item, I have to conduct the mismate process all over again because the tag is marked "with scarf" for example. This has increased the mismate workload tremendously. (Just in case you were needing one, we do have boys t-shirts for sale with a real skateboard attached.)
Every night that part timer will clean their department. When they find a pair of shorts on the floor that belongs to a mismate, they will walk it back to the stockroom to the rack. I would think that the matching top is hanging on the rack right where those shorts are laying, but I am probably wrong in that theory. I also love the guest who has to tear into that packaged underwear to look at it (I understand it's kids underwear and you need to look at it, but it has a seal you can open and shut back up, do you really need to rip open the plastic on the top and then throw the loose pieces on the rack? Why can't you just put it back in the package?). I also want to applaud the smart one who actually pulls apart the socks that aren't in plastic, but only bundled by a strip of paper, so you can actually feel and see the socks without opening a bag. Is there a reason you need to have the pair separate from each other in order to see if one will work, or what?
I want to thank a coworker this week for taking on a huge problem. Due to the back to school season, that 4 foot rack grew into 3 racks because there just wasn't time. It was a mess, and she spent all day cleaning it up. She actually ended up with 2 racks of stuff that she could mate without even leaving the stockroom. I am now working on cleaning up the inventory of the merchandise that is older, because it needs to get on that clearance rack--next week we are having 50% off of that clearance and it's a great way to get rid of it. I am so glad that this week is almost up!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Back on Track
Thanks Mom, for coming up this weekend and spending time with us. Thanks to Kristen for allowing us to make her home family central. This weekend was exactly what I needed. I actually worked today and felt like I was "back on track" and my normal self. My family is the best:) (Now if Heather and family would be a little bit closer, my life would be absolutely perfect.)
Friday, August 13, 2010
This week has been the ultimate rollar coaster ride of emotion for Faith, and it has really made me realize that in some ways she is more mature than I realized. Without going into details on here, I now know that she can handle anything life can throw at her. Although the teenager still shows her face everyonce in awhile, I have actually seen her be the "adult" and take the higher road. She has been the calm one through this storm, while I, on the otherhand, want to kick someone's ass.
Thursday, August 12, 2010

I am always excited to hear that Nevada Barr has a new book in her Anna Pigeon story being published. It is another series that involves a sleuthing park ranger, and I wrote about another set that I read by C.J. Box, but Barr does it just a little better. Maybe I like Anna Pigeon better because she is a strong woman doing what she believes is the right thing, even though Joe Pickett in the Box series is as strong and right, but maybe it's because I'm female.
Anna is taking some required leave in New Orleans from her job after her so called belated honeymoon. I'm sure Barr picked the location because she's from that area, but also to let us know that Anna is recovering from her problems just like the city is still recovering from the hurricane. The story would bounce to a Seattle woman whose children disappeared after her home exploded with her Middle Eastern husband inside. I had no idea what the other storyline had to do with Anna, and it would switch back between the two until they slammed together, and things really made sense and fell into place. Barr's talent was really tested, but her writing is amazing to make me go "whoa" when I finally figured out what was going on, and that is what I like in an author.
This has to be one of my favorite Anna Pigeon stories, but it was rather hard to read about some of the suffering children during the final chapters. Without spoiling it for anyone, you will need to steel yourself for some disturbing things.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Door To December

While looking around at Last Stop CD Shop, I found a Dean Koontz book I had never read. I love to browse Last Stop for their great selection of used books. "The Door To December" is an earlier publication that looked like one of his good psychological thrillers. It's about a mother that is reunited with her daughter that had been kidnapped by the father when she tried to file for divorce.
It is discovered that this poor little girl has withdrawn into an autistic like state and the men who had psycologically tortured her are mysteriously dying one by one. Normally this is a book I would just tear through, excited to find out what is happening next, but it just didn't happen. For some reason, I only enjoy some of Koontz's books, and this was one I can say I struggled with. It is over 500 pages long and actually only takes place over a few days, so that explains why it moved very slowly. The only reason I didn't put it down was because I had actually paid money for it, although used, and I didn't have anything next waiting for me. Hope I can at least get 50 cents back when we put it on the rummage next year, but maybe I should take it back and see if I can sell it to them.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Coal Miner's Daughter
One of the many movies that I love is "Coal Miner's Daughter" and I watch it every time it's shown on TV, or if there isn't anything on, I will pull out the DVD and pop it in. It is one of those movies I like to have on in the background when I am doing something else. It keeps me company while I keep busy.
Many of my favorite movies are centered around music, and this one featuring the life of Loretta Lynn is a classic. Sissy Spacek as Loretta and Bevery D'Angelo as Patsy Cline both sing the songs themselves. Levon Helm, who plays Loretta's father, is a founding member of The Band (one of their hits was "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"). I find it ironic that a music icon plays a part of another music icon's story and doesn't even sing in the film.
The movie has many features that I enjoy: music, love, family, marriage, and a strong woman lead. Loretta Lynn's life is fascinating and the movie does an excellent job taking along her journey. It is always amazing that people who have been in the music or movie industry who have continued to have a successful marriage, and the struggles she has show that sometimes you have to stick with it to get the benefits out of life. Two of my favorite scenes are when they are taking a wild jeep ride together, once after they first met and then again after their long road to success. Does anyone else like the movie as much as I do?
Many of my favorite movies are centered around music, and this one featuring the life of Loretta Lynn is a classic. Sissy Spacek as Loretta and Bevery D'Angelo as Patsy Cline both sing the songs themselves. Levon Helm, who plays Loretta's father, is a founding member of The Band (one of their hits was "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"). I find it ironic that a music icon plays a part of another music icon's story and doesn't even sing in the film.
The movie has many features that I enjoy: music, love, family, marriage, and a strong woman lead. Loretta Lynn's life is fascinating and the movie does an excellent job taking along her journey. It is always amazing that people who have been in the music or movie industry who have continued to have a successful marriage, and the struggles she has show that sometimes you have to stick with it to get the benefits out of life. Two of my favorite scenes are when they are taking a wild jeep ride together, once after they first met and then again after their long road to success. Does anyone else like the movie as much as I do?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Holding Back??
I am writing about work, again. I am sitting here enjoying the start of my four day weekend, when I get a call from, are you ready for it....WORK. It is my fault. I realized when I got off the phone that sometimes I don't tell anyone how to do certain parts of my job. I don't know if it's my desire for being needed, or maybe my hope that they realize the place would fall apart without me, thus saving myself from ever losing my job.
Of course, I knew it was them and answered the phone. I don't call the other assistants to ask them questions about merchandising, because it can wait until they get back. My job, however, always needs an answer immediately it seems. I do bother Michael sometimes at home, but he bothers me too.
Sidebar: the other day the new assistant was told that Michael and I argue like an old married couple by one of the associates. Made me laugh and realize that we have been working together for 16 years now. That lasted longer than my marriage. Scary thought.
Of course, I knew it was them and answered the phone. I don't call the other assistants to ask them questions about merchandising, because it can wait until they get back. My job, however, always needs an answer immediately it seems. I do bother Michael sometimes at home, but he bothers me too.
Sidebar: the other day the new assistant was told that Michael and I argue like an old married couple by one of the associates. Made me laugh and realize that we have been working together for 16 years now. That lasted longer than my marriage. Scary thought.
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