Friday, January 28, 2011

Twenty One Books????

I HATE it when this happens.  Every single book I had on hold at the library became available during the past two weeks.  Why?????  It's not like I sat down and requested them all at the same time, in fact some were added before Halloween.  I'm stressing out a little bit, and about half of them are due in two weeks.  I tried to spread out the due dates by only picking up the books that were going to have their hold expired on the very last day possible.  Some books I will be able to renew, but most will have to go back, and I HOPE they will all be read. 

I do have to admit that I was a little impressed that there was almost an entire shelf with just my holds on it at the library (we have self checkout on our holds).  I almost took my phone out to take a picture, but that would be a little noticeable in the library, and a little strange.

Oh, and then I get the news that my favorite second hand book store in town is having a half off sale tomorrow.  Oh the JOY:)

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say that it is no wonder that the librarians know your name? And,that they ask me if I'm related to Kelly Blaschke when I check in for book club at the Caille Branch. You are the rock star of the Siouxland Library System!
