Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Now that Faith is older and has more freedom with the car, I find myself wondering what is in store for me in the future. I sit at home when she is out running around or at work and think I really need to get a life. Then I wonder what I could possibly do to fill my time.

1. Clean: Absolutely not, that is the worst possible thing I could be doing.

2. Reading: I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read, but a person can only do it so long before you start to get antsy.

3. Shopping: While I love shopping with family members, I refuse to do it by myself unless it's necessary. Working retail has basically killed my desire to shop.

4. Go for a walk: Not that great by myself.

5. Join a club: That means people, which I purposely try to avoid because I get "overloaded" in dealing with people at work. When I come home, I don't want to interact with anyone, the stress would cause an overload in my brain.

6. Volunteer: Again, dealing with people. I know it would greatly satisfy me to help someone in need, and admire Kristen's work she does, but I just can't deal with more people.

7. Crafts: Not a crafty person. I know I can do it, but just don't have the desire to decorate, paint, sew, scrapbook, etc. I am envious of those that do, and Heather's projects make me INSANELY jealous, but I can't bring myself to even try.

Oh well, guess the reading is the only thing. Forgot to mention Farmville on Facebook. That does take up an hour each day, and I am already planning out my fields so they survive while I'm on vacation. I only hope someone will have a laptop handy so I can at least see what everyone else is up to on Facebook. Ok, reading back on this post really makes my life look sad. Guess I will be the crazy cat lady down the hall who noone ever sees except the Meals on Wheels person who stops by once a day. I just hope my life doesn't become that headline "Smell Notifies Neighbors of Cat Lady's Demise".


  1. Hmmmm,
    That stereo on top of TV may need dusting? Dad

  2. I think it is funny that you are at that stage in your life when I would kill to have 10 minutes of privacy in the bathroom. :)
