Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am always excited to hear that Nevada Barr has a new book in her Anna Pigeon story being published. It is another series that involves a sleuthing park ranger, and I wrote about another set that I read by C.J. Box, but Barr does it just a little better. Maybe I like Anna Pigeon better because she is a strong woman doing what she believes is the right thing, even though Joe Pickett in the Box series is as strong and right, but maybe it's because I'm female.

Anna is taking some required leave in New Orleans from her job after her so called belated honeymoon. I'm sure Barr picked the location because she's from that area, but also to let us know that Anna is recovering from her problems just like the city is still recovering from the hurricane. The story would bounce to a Seattle woman whose children disappeared after her home exploded with her Middle Eastern husband inside. I had no idea what the other storyline had to do with Anna, and it would switch back between the two until they slammed together, and things really made sense and fell into place. Barr's talent was really tested, but her writing is amazing to make me go "whoa" when I finally figured out what was going on, and that is what I like in an author.

This has to be one of my favorite Anna Pigeon stories, but it was rather hard to read about some of the suffering children during the final chapters. Without spoiling it for anyone, you will need to steel yourself for some disturbing things.

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