Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Book Lists

A friend sent me a link on facebook the other day. She's actually a former employee who has become a friend. Sometimes I wish I could be Kayla (she's still in college, but she is wise beyond her years). This was such a great idea, but I'm sorry to say that it was an idea by Art Garfunkel. I'm not a big fan, somehow his name just makes me giggle, but he came up with this AMAZING idea. It actual combines my love with an obsession of Kristen's. He listed every single book he has read throughout the years!!! Check it out:

I didn't really look through the list, not interested in what he read, just wondering "NOW WHY IN THE HECK DID I NOT THINK OF THAT??? (WOOF) (Sorry, just read Kristen's post and am thinking in dog terms right now). Can you imagine what my list would look like right now, if I would have started that when I was younger? Not sure what age, but I believe that the Little House series would begin that list, it's what I really remember reading (Busy Town by Richard Scarry doesn't count--that's the kid's book) for the first time.

Should I start a list? My problem would be, do I just start now, and only list the books currently reading, or do I start listing everything I remember reading in the past? My other issue is saving a file on a computer. I'm afraid I would not be prepared to save something like that if the computer ever crashes. Isn't there a way to save something on the web? Thought that one of the past vacation lists was on the internet. I could be wrong, but what an AWESOME idea this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You should make a page on your blogger account and just keep a list! Then you can have it as a link on your blog for people to go see. Let me know if you need help setting it up - I can easily walk you through it. I think it's a great idea!!
