Sunday, February 20, 2011

"What book(s) would you like to see turned into a movie?"

The Crazy for Books blog introduced a new question on their blog hop.  While I don't participate by linking up, the question did immediately bring two authors to mind, whose works I adore and wish they would be made into a movie.  What books would you like to see turned into a movie?  Interestingly enough, both of the books I have in mind have had the rights purchased by the movie industry, but work is very slow and I have yet to see any production, so it's a good possibility it will never come to light.

The first one I am sure my family will agree on.  The world NEEDS to see Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum on the big screen.  We have talked about it, and her Facebook page is constantly asking who her fans would like to see play Stephanie, Manelli, and Ranger.  Oh and Bob, let's not forget about the dog!  Grandma Mazur would be the constant comedic relief, and I think we would all laugh until we cried.

Second on my list is the Big Stone Gap series by Adrianna Trigiani.  I can NOT get enough stories about this town and it's group of people, especially Ave Maria and Jack Mac.  There are many of her other novels I just love, especially "Lucia, Lucia" and the recent Valentine series, but this location in Big Cherry Holler would be the perfect setting for a love story that has it's ups and downs.  There are many of her novels that I have to ponder on after finishing, they move me that much.  I will admit that a few brought tears to my eyes at the end, but I love a great story I can immerse myself in, and I know that film goers would feel the same way if the movie was done correctly.

Now, dear family, what would you like to see made into something you could pay tons of money to see on the big screen?

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