Monday, September 13, 2010


Yeah, I'm on vacation this week, and what beautiful weather it is! Not that I will get out of the house much, but I do enjoy having the fresh, cool air come in and get rid of the stale stuff from the air conditioner. I also love seeing my cat lying in the sun sleeping, for some reason that alone gives me peace.

I am lucky enough to get 4 vacation weeks a year. Maybe not lucky, some would call it stupid for staying in the job I have for this long to actually accrue (Kristen--is that word used correctly here?) that much time off. My employer requires us to use it all or lose it when our anniversary date arrives. Sometimes I wish I could roll some over, but I guess it actually helps my sanity to use it all.

Typically I use one week over the summer to spend with my family on a real vacation, one we actually leave town and do things together. The other 3 weeks are "me" time, or time off just to be "mom". Faith loves when I'm on vacation. I cook, clean, and home in the morning when she gets up and home when she gets off school. That doesn't mean she stays home more, she just loves that I don't make her do all of her normal chores. Why do I feel guilty asking her to empty the dishwasher or fold laundry when I am home all week and she has a full day of school and works 15 hours plus all of her classroom workstudy? She's younger than I am, but I just can't do it.

I will spend my week cleaning, MAYBE doing a closet or clean out the fridge, will run the errands to WalMart, and just might get the oil changed in the car (it's due next week, but I also have a week day off next week that I could just do it then). Time to turn on one of my playlists and get some cleaning done, or maybe I should start that book. hmmmm....

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