Saturday, January 22, 2011

Don't Blink

Another James Patterson crossed off my list.  Sadly, this was not part of the Alex Cross series, but there are two new releases I have to check into that might meet my fix!

A new character was introduced, this time a newspaper writer.  What do action packed newspaper writers always get mixed up in?  The mob, of course!  While the characters were okay and the storyline plausible, it was a book I only rated 3 out of 5 stars on my Goodreads list, it was a fast read.  That is why I pick up every James Patterson book.  I feel refreshed when I encounter the very short chapters.  These seem like a break to me when the books I normally read have chapters that are long, and difficult to stop except during those breaks. 

His books are the ones I read at stoplights and in drive thru lanes.  Scary, I know, but what else is there do to when the light changes three different times and you hardly move?  I don't pick up my classic novels--I can't keep an eye on my surroundings with those.  I recommend to anyone with toddlers that these books are perfect to take with you because you can watch the kiddos and enjoy a story.

You also get the sense of Patterson's narcissistic tendencies when you reach the end of the book and turn the page, finding the complete listing of his "works".  I think this last book it was three pages long and said he held the Guinness record for most books published.  I guess I would want to be known for that single most well written novel than being a factory of publishing.  But I can't really criticize if I've never attempted at writing a book.

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