Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Cultures

Ok, I know you realize I love to read. It is my passion, but it still amazes me how much I learn about the world just by picking up a novel.

Growing up, I was never aware of what was going on in the world. That, I suppose, is natural when you are young, but many occurances were so important that they affect my current world. I picked up "Kite Runner" because it had been on the best seller list for an extended time, and everyone was talking about it. I had looked at it when it was first released, but wasn't something that seemed interesting to me. Finally giving in, I was tranmitted to a time in our world's history that surrounded a young boy's life.

Soon the author released his second novel, "A Thousand Splendid Suns". I knew I had to read this because I loved his writing, and this one actually had a plot I would have liked. I didn't just like it, I loved it.

This great story teller also taught me some important history through a fictional character's life. Afganistan is not a place I usually thought of, but since September 11th, it is a place I now wonder about. The Russian invasion and the Taliban were taught in high school history, but wasn't very interesting for me. Because the war on terror has brought so many things to my attention, this now almost seemed important to learn about. I now cringe inside when I hear of someone's loved one being stationed in Afganistan, not because of the news today telling me about the war, but because I now have a small understanding of the culture there, and know just a little about what some feel about America. I only wish more in this world would open themselves up to learning about other people. Bet we would all get along if we understood more.

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