Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's Next??

I just finished another book, and a post will follow soon, but I am having my usual dilemma. What do I read next?

I have to be selective when making this decision. You may be laughing right now, but it is a serious problem I sometimes have. If I choose incorrectly, it could mean that I might miss out on a good story because my decision affected my feelings for the new story.

Having many different styles of literature that are my favorites, I have to "rotate" the types of books I read. If I read a mystery, the next one needs to be a romance, or classic, or biography, you get the point. If I read one mystery after enjoying another, I just don't get involved in it. Many books that have been tossed aside after the first 50 pages or so only suffered because my decision was incorrect.

Alot of the books are from the library, so hindering my decision is the due date. If I choose wrong, and it takes longer than anticipated, the other may have to go back to the library before it is due. I know I can check it out again, but for new publications that means going back to the waiting listing, possibly being number 197 in line. I know you are thinking just don't return it, but that would mean the person in "line" after me has to wait even longer for that great book!!! I actually have had librarians compliment my consideration for the other person wanting to read the book I returned before it was due. Yep, it's good to be friends with your local librarian.

I also have to take a small "break" between novels. I try to space my reading so I finish a book right around suppertime, then I make my decision on the next one, waiting to start it on my lunch break the next day. If I happen to screw up that timing and finish a book only 15 minutes into my lunch hour, I'm stuck either not reading anything for the next 45 minutes or if I do start a new one, I keep thinking about the past plot, getting things all confusing in my head. Believe me, it's bad enough keeping actual things straight in my head. If I have to straighten out fictional ideas, oh boy.

This, my dear family, is why I take multiple choices with me when I travel. You never know when you finish one, what you will be in the mood for next. Oh, the problems I create for myself.

After finishing a book, especially if it was a great one, I have to "mull" it over in my head. I actually think about the characters or situations. I don't analyze anything, I kind of "revisit" the enjoyment I had. I also like to throw in a classic sometimes, and when that happens I have to adjust my reading schedule, because I pay close attention to them. Guess that is the English student in me. My greatest fear is to run out of things to read, but I know that will never happen. I also wonder sometimes what would happen when I get older and lose my sight. Then I worry that I will lose my hearing and not even be able to listen to books on CD. OMG I am such a NERD!!!!!!!!!!!!

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